Just a note to you all regarding the ignorance of Hawaiians (non - TopicsExpress


Just a note to you all regarding the ignorance of Hawaiians (non Koko) Ive been sharing and I get smart as remarks from the distance ... ( H A W A I I A N ) making fun of me talking like I do .. Trying to educate these people who are ignorant and stuck in stupid .. I posted a warning on my news feed and I really choose not to be around ignorant , close minded individuals ... ... So I deleted ppl unworthy / Im moving on to a new life with those that live and breathes love / truth and mercy .. Those individuals related or not .. Has always been evil minded / self centered and just plane derogatory.. Im sad to see I was raised among wolves ... Oops did I say that ... :-) ..
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 03:28:56 +0000

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