Just a post on stuff for today and doing it all in one post since - TopicsExpress


Just a post on stuff for today and doing it all in one post since I probably wont be on much today. First off, anyone who can, please say a prayer for my niece. She was doing some video project for school and ended up injuring her foot. Went to the E.R. tonight and is now in a walking boot and possibly broke it. Next, going to need some bands/musicians who can play acoustic sets. Child friendly to be exact. Planning some Halloween and Holiday Childrens Hospital events. This way the kids too sick to leave the hospital still can have something to look forward to. The countries will be doing these in are the U.S., Canada, The UK, France and New Zealand/Australia. Already got a list of places/locations that Im setting this stuff up for. So if youd be interested/willing/able get at me for details to see if it will be a good fit. Some are even willing to consider some DJs with family friendly material. Next, looking for any Christian Rock, Rap, Country etc bands/musicians who are in the North Texas/Southern Oklahoma. Going to be putting together some events to help raise funds for youth missions trips, events etc. So if youre in the area and fit the bill get at me for details. Last....I need to finally Clear the air on whats been going on with my health. Had some mixed up assumptions from a few people...And quite a few people asking whats been going on out of concern. So I figured Ill post this here to get it out once and for all...And this will be the ONLY time I post this....What has been going on in my life health wise...is a few months back I was diagnosed with Pericarditis. Which has since become diagnosed as Chronic...which for lack of better terms...means it just hasnt been wanting to go away. The Pericardium is the protective sack around the heart which keeps it from getting damaged. Pericarditis is when the sack starts getting inflamed and can put on extra fluid....mine...luckily, wasnt caused by Kidney Failure or Heart Failure. Shortly before being diagnosed with Pericarditis, I had a really rough virus I came down with. This is what the doctors think made me develop my case of it. Lack of rest initially when I got it...is what they Say made it become a Chronic case. Ive been on more rounds of antibiotics and steroids to treat it than I can remember. Same for the amount of hospital trips because of it. I can tell you, dealing with Pericarditis long term has done nothing short of sucked. How it started for me...Was literally I thought I was having a heart attack from overworking...Started out with pain in the center of my chest that on a scale of 1-10 was literally a 15...worse than any pain Ive ever had before...Pain from it also happens in the left side of your chest, your neck, shoulder and back. On the best days you deal with the pain it feels like a vice grip literally squeezing your heart...On the worst...it feels like a donkey is literally kicking your chest nonstop...Somedays with it...you feel like youre dying...Somedays because of the pain...you honestly wish you would....When youre hurting, it hurts to lay down..and hurts just as much when you have to get up...A lot of the time you have to prop yourself up in unnatural angles...because if youre hurting really bad..it hurts you even worse to lay flat...Sometimes even gone as far as to put a pillow on the table and lean forward sleeping in a chair...When youre in a real bad flare up...it hurts pretty bad to breath...So you try your best to breath as best as you can...Other stuff you have to deal with....elevated body temp...can be anything from 2 or more degrees higher than normal....The extra body temp...makes you get the cold chills A LOT easier. So people will look at you weird when youve got chills while they think its stuffy in the room....You also get this annoying dry cough/hack..You can also deal with your neck, shoulder and back all stiff...You get a major case of fatigue as well...You can sleep all night and wake up and get ready for the day...and that has you already tired out enough you want to go back to bed...You also end up sick and vomiting regularly. Every time Ive gone to the emergency room...Ive had to debate on if I could deal with the pain and just suffer through it....Or get a shot of morphine (which makes me feel like Im going to puke) and the nausea meds to counter the nausea from the morphine through the I.V....The whole end result of the morphine and nausea meds..is not only are you nauseated like woah....you feel all doped up to the point you dont know which way is up from down....then you end up going to sleep to sleep it off....and end up waking up feeling all hungover...Then you got a whole bunch of other stuff you have to deal with symptom and treatment wise...So all in all...This isnt something Id wish on even my worst enemy. Its truly something no one should have to go through...Almost had an E.R. visit yesterday due to a pretty major flare up..... Why am I telling you this? So that everyone finally knows what the health issue Ive been going through is and can stop asking....Also, so they know, this is A LOT of the reason Ive switched to no more 24-7 work schedule...The harder I push myself, the more Ive hurt for it and paid for it. Not feeling that great because of it also the reason Ive not gone out a lot this summer...And why Ive had more sick days taken than any other time I can remember for myself....So limiting my stress and actually resting when I need it has been majorly necessary. Some people cant understand the changes Ive had to make to take care of myself...or they refuse to..But the changes Ive made have been because I have to. So now everyone knows whats been up with me health wise and whats been going on. So yep..Hopefully this helps answer some peoples questions on whats been going on...Sorry to have kept it from a lot of you..Just this is rather personal..And dont really like getting into having health issues..Especially after thinking I was Superman for so long and working/living like it....Only reason Im posting this now, is its easier to just get it over with than keep getting asked whats wrong or why have I been taking so many sick days this year.... Anyways have a safe night. Much love to all of you. Have a safe, happy and blessed day ahead.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 07:14:05 +0000

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