Just a question. I dont expect anyone to have an answer, but I - TopicsExpress


Just a question. I dont expect anyone to have an answer, but I think the answer is important. If a time traveler went back and changed events and thus changed ensuing history would be there be any way of detecting that such a change had taken place? How could you prove that this has or has not already occurred? Does existence leave an imprint or a record independent of time? I suppose that for a record of existence to be maintained, time would have to be a local phenomenon. Making a change in the past might not globally change the entire universe, only local events within some sphere of temporal influence. This would enable an observer to record multiple alternate outcomes resulting when a time traveler changed earlier events. There is also the idea that a given change might be small enough, inconsequential enough that the impact of that change would be lost in the statistical noise of a relatively stable system. This idea of something being inconsequential is really just a matter of scale. If your life or love is as stake it would seem very consequential indeed. However if zoomed out to the level of our galaxy or beyond big things here on earth might play out in very different alternate scenarios without having any significant impact for the universe as a whole. I need to revisit the butterfly effect ... but really does your decision of what color underwear to wear tomorrow have any impact on galaxies hundreds of lights years away? If you have two separate rivers then perturbations to the water in one river will have no affect on the second river. So too might local rivers of time be able to operate independently -- allowing for a record of each ensuing existence even when a time traveler went back and made changes. Even if these two rivers are ultimately connected to the same great ocean, small changes in one river might not be able to impact the second river. A black hole seems like a time barrier.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 20:39:57 +0000

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