Just a quick check to see if theres interest in re-starting an - TopicsExpress


Just a quick check to see if theres interest in re-starting an effort to form a Research Lodge, and what form that should take... Should we pursue chartering a new lodge (the only valid option currently available under the Arkansas Masonic Digest, and the path previously taken), or should this be some sort of independent body, which would need to subsequently seek recognition under the Grand Lodge? Here are some links to what has been done in other grand jurisdictions, and what they have set up: mn-masons.org/masonic-educational-resources/research-lodge-links/research-lodges . Texas also has a research lodge, and we got a lot of assistance from them in the previous effort. Other grand jurisdictions have sections in their state code authorizing the establishment of research lodges, and prescribing the bounds within which they operate. GL of Arkansas currently does not have this. Should we sponsor a resolution to add something like this to the Arkansas Digest, then proceed to form a lodge under those provisions? It will take a bit more time as we will need to run through the annual GL convocation (or two) before getting down to the real work, but it would certainly grease the skids. Or should we, and is there a sufficient interest, in forming a Masonic Research Round Table, informally, without specific ties to a lodge, that could get together and discuss/research these sorts of things? That could also get a little hairy as to what can and cannot be discussed, but it is sort of a start... What think ye?
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 16:40:31 +0000

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