Just a quick rant to clear my head, nothing to see here..FREEDOM - TopicsExpress


Just a quick rant to clear my head, nothing to see here..FREEDOM JUSTICE AND DEMOCRACY, REALLY? Democracy is all about the free choice of an informed electorate, yeah right, even if we were all informed, and chose to change the political landscape, we would be reliant on a secure and just electoral system, and we don’t have that, in the last SA election I decided to investigate, over 120,000 votes went missing, in a Bi-election I contested 35% of the vote was missing. So lets look to justice, without democracy, again we see a massive failure, unless one is rich, and to prove that lets skip back to democracy, in WA 1370 votes went missing, but those votes affected Clive Palmer, and guess what, a new election was held. Justice at our founding level was all about common law, decisions made by a jury of our peers, a concept that evolved with the growth and the social expectations of our society, but hey bugger that said the pollies, we will write the law, now if you can afford to prove your innocence, and not many can, in our Magistrates courts where most civil and criminal matters are heard, you cant even recover costs, so the innocent lose in every case. Justice at the hands of the legislator now, is all about you being guilty, and then leaving you to prove otherwise, and to ensure even then you are screwed, in come laws that allow hearsay evidence against you, deny you the right to face or question your accuser, even going as far as locking you up for having a beer with a mate, if some faceless men don’t like you or your friend. The courts will no longer impose penalty based on your actions, Parliament will, do you know what that is called? So with no presumption of innocence, right to a fair trial, the right to be judged by a jury of your peers and the massive expenses of even filing a document, we lost justice without a shot being fired. Leaving us to debate freedom, what freedom, all around Australia “Freedom” is being taken from us, the freedom to associate, freedom of speech, the freedom to pursue a chosen career, who one can marry, even our mode of transport. Once a nation has lost democracy, justice and our freedoms, we have become a dictatorship, and such a fine example, because no one even noticed, in fact those that run the show, can quite loudly brag what a fine nation we are, one of the best democracy’s in the world, the land of the free. Our forefathers sacrifices were all in vain, we didn’t even honour them with any fight, we just let the bastards take the lot, and they are far from finished. Yes you are too busy to fight, too broke to have a day off, too tired to attend a rally, your apathy fuels them, they will take more and more, sell of anything of value, our land, our farms, our water, our infrastructure, our independence and our liberty, and if and when we all wake up, there may just be nothing left to fight for, but our freedom, by then however they will have successfully banned dissent. Sad
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 08:38:45 +0000

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