Just a quick update on my sweet, STRONG husband, Doug Roundy! I - TopicsExpress


Just a quick update on my sweet, STRONG husband, Doug Roundy! I am so thankful to all of you who have been lifting us up in prayer-so thankful!!! Prayer is vital...and without a doubt, when we grow weary, a fresh supply comes upon us to keep us going as a result of your prayers! Many of you have messaged and texted me asking about him-and as his primary care giver right now (the insurance didnt authorize him going to a rehab facility for the customary 2-3 weeks, which usually occurs before outpatient physical therapyfor 2-4 weeks follows, so our home IS the rehab facility! Bless God, we are still very thankful for the nurses and physical therapist who are coming to our home 3 times a week...and for having a very smart nursing student daughter at home to help!!!) Doug is THE STRONGEST MAN I KNOW! He has been pressing through the symptoms and is improving each and every day and fighting through much pain and swelling, pushing through his PT to retrain his body how to do basic things that frankly before his surgery I never even thought about...like how easy it is to bend down and put on socks and shoes, how easy it is to sit up and get out of bed, to walk around and sit down whenever and wherever you want...UNTIL something happens and you are no longer able to. In your mind, you still should be able to, but your body disagrees. Seeing him strain towards his goal, determined, focused, persevering, brings tears to my eyes and my heart bursts with compassion for him-and I am reminded how MANY MANY blessings we are given each and every day, that we take for granted. It grieves me that I have failed to thank my God and my Lord and Savior at times, many times, of the GOOD and perfect gifts God has given me (James 1:17)...often times when giving Him thanks, I focus on the big things, but watching my husband I am reminded that I have failed to be thankful and grateful of the lessor things that Ive taken for granted...things God has blessed me with so that my life, and moment by moment of living is easy, light, peaceful, blessed. Simply moving my legs when and where I want, moving my arms, both hands, all 10 fingers, typing this message, eyes to see, ears to hear, heart to feel and pump blood, air to breath, food to eat, car to drive, house to live in, children to love, a husband to cherish, people to serve, church to belong and learn, pastors who teach and preach and feed me spiritually-these are just some of the revelations that watching my husband this past week have come to me in a new light...and I fall to my knees, and cry out Lord God, You are holy, holy, holy, and good., and I am thankful, so every grateful, to You for EACH and every GOOD gift in my life... It gives me a deeper appreciation to the scripture in Mathews 26:41 when Jesus went into the garden to pray...and He said to watch and pray that you not enter temptation-the spirit is willing but the flesh indeed is weak. And knowing that if Christ Himself would say this, then He surely knows and understands the struggles and exhausting efforts of crucifying the flesh so that the spirit may reign in life. It encourages me in knowing that our fight of faith, clinging to the hope and truth we have in Gods Word, is effective and overcoming ALL these temporary trials of pain and recovery, because we fix our eyes on Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith, without wavering, because He who has promised is faithful! Through every effort of straining through, pressing on, reaching forward to lift his leg, to will his dead weighted leg and muscles to move, to lift just an inch, we rejoice, and give thanks, and we praise God because of Christs sacrifice at the Cross...and we continue to speak Gods Word over these symptoms and watch them wain away...slowly, since healing is a process, but surely, confidently, because we are assured by God Himself of Dougs complete recovery in Jesus Name! It may be two steps forward and 1 step back, but we are STILL MARCHING FORWARD, and we are already seeing the expected end and are already rejoicing in it! For the next few days, please focus specifically in prayer that the fever goes in Jesus Name, that the swelling and muscle spasms go in Jesus Name, that the communication from Dougs brain to his muscles and leg improve considerably in Jesus Name, and that the pain around the incision area goes in Jesus Name-and that we both are able to rest in the Lord and continue to be strengthened by the joy of the Lord! We love you guys!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 04:06:28 +0000

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