Just a reminder to a bunch of people who seem to forget the spirit - TopicsExpress


Just a reminder to a bunch of people who seem to forget the spirit of the rules.. The Spirit of the Game All participants at Lorien Trust events are requested and required to uphold the spirit, not just the letter, of the rules. Referees and Marshals can only make decisions based on the information at hand; if they feel it is necessary they will consult with a Senior Referee before making a decision. The ultimate aim of live role-playing is to have fun. Role-playing a character in such a way as to deliberately upset others OOC is not within the spirit of the rules. The Lorien Trust would like to ask all participants to leave OOC disagreements with other people outside the event. Please note that these rules exist to be an aid to your role-playing, not the basis of it. However, please be aware that breaking these rules, whether intentionally or not, is cheating and this is considered a very serious offence. A first offence is likely to generate a warning, further offences are likely to incur more severe sanctions such as your character losing Occupational Skills (without refund of the OSPs), or could ultimately lead to you being banned from Lorien Trust events. Please also note that deliberately misleading someone OOC in a way that could lead to them inadvertently cheating also counts in its self as cheating. Be careful about spreading OOC information that you are not sure of, in case your actions lead to others inadvertently cheating.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 09:55:55 +0000

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