Just a shout out to all of of you guys that have a hard - TopicsExpress


Just a shout out to all of of you guys that have a hard life...maybe everyone could just take some time to read this...I made it a couple minutes ago but read this..Maybe it will change your prospective on things . . . . . . I’m not afraid to live, I take challenges to the max, and I’m not afraid to die either its where we all end up anyways isn’t it?? I thought so no matter how special you are or how much everything in your life matters to you. It doesn’t matter guess what you’re going to have to face it one day. Theres no escaping from it we all end up there anyways don’t we?? Challenges are nothing for me I’ve been through about everything you haven’t. All of the things that haunt your nightmares haunt me in real life. In my world there are no rules, there’s no one there to make them for me. It’s my life no one should have control over it, school; everything a normal person could do on a regular basis is different than the things I can do. Every little thing is a challenge for me. But I find it hilarious how people don’t care about anyone but themselves. Emos? Guess what, their lives aren’t perfect like yours honestly the best and understanding people ever. Because they know what it feels like to be hurt and they don’t want this to happen to anyone else. But you want to know something else? They’re not stuck up like you. They care about everyone and honestly you’re the reason they are like they are. You tell them that you don’t care about them and that they could go kill themselves and no one would even notice their gone. But you know what put yourself in their shoes for a while. I bet you’ll change everything about yourself, how their treated by their parents. Their so called ‘friends’ how they treat them and you say cutting yourself is stupid and everyone probably does it for attention well guess what? They would rather die than be who they are. Think about it…all of the things that they think about yet they don’t tell anyone well they remember every little hurtful word you say to them. And you know what they do? They go home, take a bottle of pills, get that razor blade and they cut themselves because of the things you say to them. They do it because all of the pain you put them in. They take it all in and at the end of the day they can’t take it anymore they just give up on everything because of you, you know why? Because you’re no better, you think that they can’t feel emotions. But they do, they feel every little thing you say to them. They go home which is probably never a place they would want to be and they have to deal with the things their family says behind their backs, even to their face and they give up, on everything. They grab a rope and hang it from the ceiling or they go to the bathroom, get the razor and they dig deep. Into their wrists because all of the pain you put us in we feel that and they can’t take any more of it so we do it to get our minds off of all of the pain and you may think it’s stupid but they have no other choice. There’s something that you have in your body and they’re call endorphins and they are the things that when you hurt yourself makes it feel better. They try to forget about you. But they can’t, for the rest of their lives they remember what you said and even if their lives only last for a few more hours they replay the things you said to them in their head or even out loud and then guess what you just made a person lose their lives because of the things you say to them. I hope your perfectly fine with knowing that just a few words can end some one’s life. You should be banned from this earth because they never did a single thing to you and you made their lives end. Have fun knowing this. Just let this seep in to your brain and think back you haven’t seen that girl you always called worthless? Well guess what she’s in a better place now. Where she doesn’t have to put up with that kind of pain you put her in.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 02:17:25 +0000

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