Just a thought...... Abusive relationships are not just physical - TopicsExpress


Just a thought...... Abusive relationships are not just physical they are mental as well. Now Im not gonna sit here and tell you it takes a Real man for this or a Real woman for that cuz its stupid, EVERYONES real of our own flesh and blood and feelings and emotions and hearts. But I will say this, your paths have crossed and joined for a reason. Some of you are just starting out and some have been in your relationships for years. What ever the case may be, it all simplifies down to this, look into his or her eyes, do you see yourself? Are you happy with him or her? Does he or she NATURALLY make you smile for no reason but for the simple fact that he or she is there with you? Can you honestly say you have been truthful faithful open hearted kind and helpful to him or her and your relationship? Are you both showing your commitment and faith to each other? Now dont get me wrong, life is not fair and its NEVER going to be a 50/50 deal. But thats why ur a team, you pick each other up, hold each other in your arms and say everythimgs gonna be alright. EVERYONE makes mistakes and is not perfect. But is the loyalty and the 100% commitment there? If your answer is truly yes then you my friend are one of the few and should be thankful and show ur thankfulness to each other at least everyday. Relationships are a constant work in progress believe that....... Love and take care of each other my beautiful friends cuz remember....were all we got. :)
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 19:49:35 +0000

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