Just a thought about my hometown of Winthrop. It recently suffered - TopicsExpress


Just a thought about my hometown of Winthrop. It recently suffered a tragedy that shook the town. The loss of one of its young children. Now Im going to go in to how awful that is. It speaks for itself and my heart aches for the family and friends. What I want to say is something Ive said before and witnessed first hand. No one circles the wagons for one if its own better than Cops, Firemen, the Military and Winthrop Massachusetts. I can speak first hand on that because first I was in the Military. Second I was a Cop in the Military and am a Federal Law Enforcement Officer now and third and most of all, Im from Winthrop. The day my wife passed away three years ago this Sept. fellow officers were coming to my house morning, noon and in to the night. I finally had to kick them out at 3:00 in the morning, lol, I laugh because looking back they would never have left. They wanted to make sure that me and my kids would be ok. I had my wife laid to rest in Winthrop. The number of people who showed up at the wake floored me. Most of all it was who showed up. Old friends traveled down from N.H. and in from their homes in other towns around Mass. And it wasnt just friends. It was also the parents of some of these old friends. These friends didnt know my wife and had never met her. And most who showed up havent seen me in a very long time, for some it had been decades. But they heard about my loss either thru word of mouth or Face Book and they showed up. They showed up because one of their own was in need of their support. It was so nice to hear my kids say to me after the wake Wow Daddy, you have a LOT of friends I just said Thats Winthrop. My wife loved that town. Even though she was from the Philippines she called Winthrop her home. She fell in love with it and its people immediately. She wanted us to retire there. She didnt care about the winters. She just wanted to be in Winthrop. She was a very smart and perceptive woman. Now another family is feeling the love and support from a town that is one if a kind. It rises above the rest when it comes to one of its own. I cant even begin to imagine how that family feels. My loss was different. But the common bond is Winthrop. They too will reflect back someday and know what the love from an entire town did for them in their worst moment. Thank you Winthrop.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 02:58:52 +0000

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