Just a thought for our government to ponder. It will create - TopicsExpress


Just a thought for our government to ponder. It will create improvements on SEVERAL fronts. 1) Draft prisoners (particularly child molesters and rapists), into a military division/force to specifically fight ISIS. 2) Give illegals an ultimatum...either be a part of the aforementioned military forrce, or be deported. Between relieving the stress on our prison systems; reducing the tax burden for both prisoners and illegals. PLUS...all of the jobs that would open up once the illegals issue is properly dealt with! I could go on...but Ill stop with my rant with just that for now. Rant over!So...head for your favorite place of worship and have a great Sunday everyone, Be blessed.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 13:51:42 +0000

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