Just a thought for the night, then Im out: We are ALL of us here, - TopicsExpress


Just a thought for the night, then Im out: We are ALL of us here, (I think) people of good will. We all want the best for our nation and ourselves. Were not always going to agree on what that is. Certainly, it seems that those we have thus far elected to lead us in Washington cannot. We are ONE nation, incorporating MANY cultures and points of view. That was the meaning of our original motto, E Pluribus Unum. We need to learn to come together again to build solutions to our problems that work for all of us. If we do not hang together, we shall all, most assuredly, hang separately, slowly rotting in our various ideological enclaves. None of us is going to get everything we want out of our elected officials, or the votes we cast on various issues. What we can do is learn to compromise again, and not look at moving from an ideological base as a failure. From my POV, it seems like hard-line Republicans are MORE guilty of that than Democrats, but both sides DO engage in that sort of behavior. -I- feel that the ACA idea is a good one, but many of things got thrown into it to appease one faction or another -- and I suspect some of those were thrown in at attempts to sabotage it, because that faction didnt like what it represented. Its not REALLY compromise. It wasnt designed to work together, because, frankly, the Republicans didnt want ANY of it, and showed that by spending the next three years trying to repeal it all, rather than trying to make it work. Its not compromise if one party starts out with the notion that the best thing they could do for the country was make the President fail. This is a point I was making to someone else earlier -- logic is wonderful, but without an agreement on base assumptions, you have no way of reaching agreement. We HAVE to learn to get along, as people, as essentially social and political animals, and as a nation. Isnt that really more important than how your particular party does in the next election cycle, or what office you hold? Enough. This was longer than I wanted, but I started, well, rambling. Good night, all. Im going back to reading a fantasy novel about two Kingdoms that dont get along and magical horses that always know the truth (Gee, dont I wish we had THOSE in D.C., but theyd never get near the place).
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 03:31:52 +0000

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