Just a word of advice to white people, women especially....beware - TopicsExpress


Just a word of advice to white people, women especially....beware of 14th Ave and Rt. 4.....today I drove down 14th towards Woodside Cemetary...when the light changed I drove on and a dark PT Cruiser with 3 BIG black guys in it turned from the side street and tried to hit my car...they honked their horn so I looked toward the car to see what was going on....he gave me the finger and got on my back bumper...one got 1/2 way out the back window on the right side and took a pic of my license plate with either a phone or camera....and pulled real close to my car hanging out the window...he reached toward my car and threw something at my windshield and it splattered...it wasnt water because it is still there...I dont dont what the black thing was he held up in the air...but Im sure it was some type of gun and a warning to me....they know who I am now....I was beyond hysterical....the car was a dark blue pt cruiser with a Middies sticker in the back window...guy in back had bushy hair.....I have nothing against blacks at all...there are many I love with all my heart....but these were not nice guys at all.....I was so upset I turned on Wicoff and parked and called 911....the dispatcher told me not to worry I was safe now....safe my hinney...she told me I was being paranoid and not as much went on as I thought.....lady, I was NOT being paranoid....I was being assaulted in someway...did I want an officer t speak to me...hellllll yes I did...and asap....said shed send one as soon as she could...what the heck is wrong with her....a GUN LADY.....I was not safe when they held a gun in the air.....said she I wouldnt calm down....honestly would you have in about 5 minute like nothing had happened....dont think so.....the officers showed up and checked the windshield....it was not water...I know where the container is they thru but there is no way I will go back there any time soon....Please understand I am NOT being racist....I am terrified to death....the officers escorted me to Breiel and Lefferson...I flew home....no way was I gonna stop until I was in my house....shades are closed...I have puked 3 times and head is pounding....this chick is mortified......Giving my God my praises for guiding me safely thru this....it could have been a different outcome.....
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 20:16:57 +0000

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