Just a word to the wise... You really cant trust anyone in the - TopicsExpress


Just a word to the wise... You really cant trust anyone in the media and I include alternative media and ultimately myself in that. My good friend Tim Brown, of Freedom Outpost, shared some info with me about how much money some of these bigger alternative media people make. I was a little shocked. One of them in particular is making about 7 million per year. When you make that much money is it still about the truth or is it about what makes the most profit? Look, we are all human and it is a legitimate question. I havent done my taxes yet but even with my little blog I think I made around 75K profit this year. With lots of mouths to feed that doesnt go as far as it sounds like it should but its still a good living and I am very blessed. But will I be the same person when 75K turns into 750K? Maybe not. I am human and none of us is immune to greed. Hopefully if that ever happens I will respond positively but I am just being honest... Money changes people. We are all human. And I dont automatically trust an alternative pundit who makes 7 million and gripes about those who make around $240,000 (congress). I trust my inner circle people to a point but we are not meant to put our full faith in any man. That sort of thing is for God alone. But what about the small fish? Can you trust them? Yes and no. Here is the thing. You have to understand that there are a lot of people out here, myself included, who are trying to make a difference. Some dont get paid at all, and do it out of the goodness of their hearts, like my friends at Fellowship of the Minds. But there is a disadvantage that comes with being small. That disadvantage is lack of resources. We often get stories second hand and that means that we sometimes pass along misinfo without knowing it. We train ourselves to try to spot the disinformation but we are all human and capable of mistakes. I have been guilty of this more than once and all I can do it try to correct, update, retract and move on. But you have to understand that a guy who sits in a corner of his bedroom and runs a blog may be honest, but that does not mean that all of his sources are. For the most part my policy is something close to this: 1- I try to find sources that I think are legitimately on the side of the people and this is where I get my news. 2- I weigh it all as a body of work and never focus solely on one source and accept their interpretation as the truth. Because disinformation happens to all media sources. There is no way to stop it. Just a little rant. I am in your corner and I dont want you to think that I am not, but I am also very human and will make mistakes from time to time. God Bless You All and have a great Sunday. -Dean
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 20:14:09 +0000

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