Just an FYI to all the race baiters and cop haters out - TopicsExpress


Just an FYI to all the race baiters and cop haters out there....can you please let the damn investigation play out? Though if you were intelligent enough to understand that, you probably wouldnt be race baiting cop haters. Sad part is a lot of you probably teach your children to keep an open mind and not be quick to judgement.......guess there are no mirrors in your homes. But sure, Ill play along why not? Pay attention Im gonna really break it down here. 1. Im guessing none of you were on that street that night, so your opinion of what should have happened differently is irrelevant. 2. Watching COPS in your underwear while eating candy bars on your couch does not make you qualified to pass judgement on law enforcements use of deadly force. Therefore once again, shhhhh dummies. 3. But Tommy, he was unarmed! Go google the phrase totality of the circumstances and maybe you will learn something. 4. What you want an example? Ok! I am no tough badass but if I was a few feet from someone on the street and things were about to get physical, I am confident that I can attack and close the space between us faster than most people can even react and be ready for me. Just like that they are overwhelmed, boom. The same can happen to me too. 5. But Tommy, he fired 6 shots!! That is cold blooded murder!!!! Again, I know its hard to think with your activist pom poms in your hand so gently put those down and re-read point #1....slowly. The bottom line is that every single situation in life is independent. The media, politicians, and activists like to place things into a neat little box and rally the troops whether the troops they are rallying are viewers, voters or uniformed citizens. If you took the time to read all this and ASSUME I am supporting the police officer here, shocker, you are wrong again. Since I wasnt there and every situation is different, I am going to wait until the investigation plays out to form an opinion. There is nothing wrong with citizens and groups peacefully gathering to demonstrate but the peacefully part was a key word there. Your welcome.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 15:14:45 +0000

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