Just an example of how the universe works. The universe will - TopicsExpress


Just an example of how the universe works. The universe will always provide you with exactly what we need when we need it. Sometimes we get caught up in trying to force things that our souls, bodies and minds are not ready for and then when the universe doesnt provide it for us we get upset or even worse we still try to force it then something bad happens. Also when we start to just trust the universe has us and will provide for us everything starts flowing more easily! Today was a wonderful example of how the universe works in this way. I had planned a meeting with someone to work further on a project. That person was a no show, no call, no nothing, just totally not there. At first I was a little shocked and a little upset but then I figured hey Im here lets enjoy this unique little cafe and get some studying done. While doing this I had a very lovely lady come up and join me. We chatted as she noticed my holistic nutrition books and talked about how she was a member of an organization to help provide affordable organics to low income people and educate them about the important of eating organic. Anyways she was a wonderful lady whom the universe provides a connection that I was ready for, the other project the universe was telling me to hold back on. Then upon leaving the cafe my intuition told me to go to the Crystal store in the area. So I listened and did. Upon having a wonderful soul conversation with the owner (this always happens when I go in) he was literally telling me answers to my face that I had been asking from the universe. The universe was providing me finally with the answers I needed to some big questions! I started talking to him about my business and how I was wanting to work on business cards/labeling but didnt know where to start. The owner started to give me ideas when other customers a couple in the store joined the convo. The man told me he was a graphic designer and would be willing to do work for trade! He looked at my stuff and loved it and told me how he loved how passionate, and high vibin energy I was. This another gift from the universe! I had been looking to this for a long time but it was only now that the universe thought I was ready and gave me the gift! After all that I took myself and the new crystals down to the ocean for some gratitude meditation to the universe and some cleansing of the old!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 04:48:11 +0000

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