Just an update for everyone: Jaxon will start his radiation - TopicsExpress


Just an update for everyone: Jaxon will start his radiation treatment tomorrow. He had some blood work drawn this morning (which he did awesome with) and then we see his oncologist and he has a school session and then one more radiation practice treatment this afternoon. We will be doing his radiation treatments without sedation, this is rare for a child his age but he has done so well that they are going let him have a go at it. We will be participating in a clinical trial where he will do the chemo pill in conjunction with his radiation but it will be every other day one week alternating with everyday the next week. After taking the chemo pill he can not eat for two hours so if he had to have sedation with his radiation (nothing to eat after midnight) and then he gets the chemo pill after radiation and then nothing to eat two hours after that, he wouldnt be able to eat until around 2pm-3pm every day. If he doesnt get sedation then he can eat breakfast in the morning then do his radiation and chemo pill then have a late lunch. Also he will not have to have long term IV access without sedation unless they determine he needs it. Next week will be challenging because he will have serial blood work all day on Monday and then have blood work again on Tuesday Thursday and Friday. After next week he will only have Monday blood work each week. Please continue to pray he will have minimal side effects from his treatments. He has been so strong and so brave so far... We are beyond proud of our baby! Also thank you again for all the thoughts, prayers, support, and donations to our family. We are so grateful and appreciative!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 15:32:13 +0000

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