Just an update for you guys, My first term is OVER!!! I am - TopicsExpress


Just an update for you guys, My first term is OVER!!! I am officially 1/4 done my year here and I have enjoyed every moment so far. I have a week ish long holiday, which I am leaving on a surf trip for the week up the coast to hit some sick surf spots! Just a recap of all that has happened so far… The first few weeks was a brutal orientation boot camp that taught me a lot about team work, myself, and the Lord. It brought all the students here at VGY closer together. Orientation makes you realize that your body can be pushed a lot further than you think, and you can’t rely on your own strength. Your strength comes from the Lord and it is crazy when you realize that, how much farther you can go. The term is combined with lectures and school specific weeks. We have had lectures on Spirit, Soul, and Body. It is a breakdown of what you’re made of and how those different components work. Our second lecture was Hebrews 6 Foundations. That lays a strong foundation for you and practical teachings of Repenting from evil deeds, Placing faith in God, Baptisms, Laying on of hands, Resurrection of the dead, and Eternal judgement. There is a lot of stuff to think about! And our last teaching was a seminar thing called Ancient Paths. It is a crazy week where things in your past has effected you to this day. And its just about breaking down walls and breaking lies spoken over you and stuff. Such an amazing time where you get freed from a bunch of stuff! The school specific weeks for me, focuses all on surfing. We will be out in the water everyday as much as we can, and we will have lectures on surfing history, or how the ocean works with waves, swells, tides, wind, etc. We help out with two ministries in JBay. Every Monday we help out with a recycling project in the township. Kids will comes with recycling and it gets weighed and they get fake money to buy practical things like toilet paper, milk, beans, different food, school supplies, clothes, shoes, or toys and stuff, at a little shop they have there. It helps keep the township clean, and it also teaches these young kids the responsibly of money and taking care of practical needs. Every Wednesday, we take some kids from the township, and teach them how to surf, play around with them, and we just connect with them on a relational level. Most of these kids are from ages 11-13, and it is a blast hanging out with them and mentoring them! I always think about those who has helped me get here and just blessed me tremendously with finances, prays, love, and support. Without those people, I wouldn’t be here getting blessed, and blessing people. I am so thankful, and so stoked to be exactly where I am at! God is so good! Cheers!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 13:11:58 +0000

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