Just another day in paradise, here on the Dotson Ranch. You - TopicsExpress


Just another day in paradise, here on the Dotson Ranch. You know, my life isnt really all that bad, here. There really are just a few things missing. Some are small and some are definitely a lot more important. Being what I consider a practical fellow, I tend to focus on the biggest pieces first. For me, right now, those are transportation and power. Transportation outweighs power, by a substantial margin. I can make it a lot easier with no lights than I can with no wheels. But, there are other aspects that fall into the gee, I really wish XXXX category. Id like to have my guitar back, sure... that would be nice. And if I did, there is this neat little program that I could use (again, since the trial version expired without warning) to maybe make a little money on the side,... or at least make useful use of my time, instead of having to sit on my haunches, hoping the weather will clear up enough so that I can hoof it to the store, later. And that would be less than thirty bucks,... which makes it a do it later thing. Of course, with no guitar, theres no point, so.... (shrug) And it would be nice to have friends who came to visit, once in a while, sat with me and talked about.... pretty much anything but sports is fine with me. I try to avoid religion, because I piss people off, too much. BUt at least I am an equal opportunity offender. I piss off everyone,.. Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Wiccans and other pagans,... Come to think of it, I think the only religious group I havent gotten into an argument with is the Jews.... Maybe Im a closet Hebrew?... I dunno. I like my Christianity with a touch of Buddhism tossed in, just for flavor.... (chuckles, picturing a Reeses type commercial,... You got your Buddhism in my Christianity, you have to die..... You got your Christianity in my Buddhism,... but its okay.) ... and Im sure I just pissed about eight people off, with that. Thats allright,... if they dont like it, they should put on their big girl panties and get over it. If my life were ideal, there would be friends who enjoy music,... and a typical evening scene at my home would have me and a few other people sitting on the front porch, picking guitars, in the warm evening, with the grill doing its thing, with a few hot dogs, a few burgers, maybe some chicken and veggies, all done up on kabobs. There would be a girlfriend, who doesnt want to be a wife, and the dogs would be lying there, under our feet, snoozing, peacefully. ... of course, there would also be an old car in the driveway. (sigh) It keeps coming back to that, for me. The big hole in my life. Everything else, I think, could work itself out, if I didnt have this.... nagging, ever-present knowledge that I have a major need that is not going to be easily filled. Yeah,... I could cut and run, I suppose. I have a little money and I could jump a bus and go back to the greenest state in the land of the free,... but what then? No plan at all, to speak of. Ive done just about all I can do, on my end of things. I have one more person that I can call, who might .... just might be able to help me find that elusive super-cheap car. And Im planning to call him, after he gets off work, today. After that, Ive pretty much reached the extent of what I can do to help myself. If nothing comes of it,... I just dont know.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 15:57:34 +0000

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