Just as I LOVE helping transform their physical selves, I also - TopicsExpress


Just as I LOVE helping transform their physical selves, I also LOVE helping people transform their FINANCIAL lives... I actually equate the 2 more and more very day. The same keys to success in a physical transformation apply when dealing with networking.... I share this post of one who had both- a physical and financial transformation.... a woman who just over a year ago.... and has not become one of my closets friends..... Crazy yes..... but 100% truth:) Yesterday I had another AH-HA fabulous Freedom Living Moment. I was almost in tears because I was so happy. I have to share because if you think you cant do this - you are WAY WRONG! (this is a long post). For years I worked 40 - 60 hours a week. Dont get me wrong, I enjoyed what I did and the people I met, the experiences and such. I was an event planner and then a teacher! It was a ton of fun! However, I knew that I wanted to be able to be more in control of my day. I was never able to go to last minute Dr. appointments for Miloh, I relied on everyone else to step in and watch him when he was sick. To take him to his activities, to share in his firsts! I felt exhausted after a full day in all occupations so I wanted to catch up on sleep on the weekend. We had to travel during the most expensive times of the season because of schedules. Lunch breaks would be quick, packed and I would forget to get most of my to - do list done! I could go on and on! I would talk to Kenny about it and he would look at me like I had 4 heads! How was that EVER going to happen? With where we were financially, we didnt think that was going to be an option. Year after year, career after career, there just wasnt a light at the end of the workforce tunnel! Again, loved what I was doing (especially teaching) but wanted to shift things! Especailly after the loss of my father. I knew I wanted to be more present in life. And here I am now! WOW its amazing how much has changed in less then 1 year! Who knew that I could be living out my dreams as I am doing NOW - every single day! Listen, I never in a million years imagined this. What made me realize how happy I was yesterday was actually a few events. 1) my son forgot his lunch box and I was able to run home and get it without rushing. 2) My mother booked a flight for us to get away on a quick trip together this fall and I can go - nobody to request time off for. 3) I was able to sign my son up for tball at 3pm and be there vs at work. 4) I had to run to the docctor for a quick thing and got in at 11am. 5) was able to meet up with a fabulous friend for coffee talk and laughter. 6) even a Tuesday costco run is so much better then on a sunday or evening after Miloh goes to bed! I may not be making 6 or 7 figure money just yet like my fellow team mates (i will), but the fact that I can spend my days totally and completely IN CONTROL while making $ that makes a diffefence in my family is incredible! Believe me, I was skeptic - so was my husband but...we are so happy we took the chance! So now, to be present and active in my sons life by being able to pick him up from school. To meet up with a friend when I want too. To work out anytime of the day. To allow myself time to grow, regroup and smile more. To wake up feeling like everyday is Saturday! And to motivate and inspire other people.! All living the life that I design. On my terms. Full of happiness! If you are feeling what Im putting out there - if you share the same vision - maybe, just maybe, what I am doing, may interest you - INBOX ME! For those of you reading this, you know i am authentic, honest and real. What you see is what you get! Lets do this! Happy Thursday! and most of all thank you Carol Elizabeth for helping me find the light at the end of the tunnel. It sure is bright and sparkly on the other side! xoxoxoxo
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 21:40:05 +0000

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