Just as I said he would, Obama declares war on Syria. A nation - TopicsExpress


Just as I said he would, Obama declares war on Syria. A nation that has not attacked us, a nation that is a world away from us and poses NO THREAT to Americans. On the eve of Sept 11, 2014 Barack Obama declared war on yet ANOTHER sovereign nation! America is going to war, NATO and our association to America will drag us Canadians along with them whether we like it or not. How do you like them Apples Canada??... America?? How do you feel about that? Doesnt that kind of put a dent in our big bad Russia argument... Yet again? Open your mouths... The sounds that follow are called WORDS... when you put them together theyre called sentences... Sometimes people use them to convey how they feel about something.... Just a suggestion...
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 16:22:55 +0000

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