Just as I was about to share the exhilarating weekend I recently - TopicsExpress


Just as I was about to share the exhilarating weekend I recently experienced at the B ME Connection Retreat at Your Silver Linings I received heart breaking news about a friend and fellow barrel racer, Scott Kennedy, who has passed away unexpectedly. This man was kind to all that crossed his path. He made me feel like I was somebody long before I felt like I was anybody in our barrel horse community. I was honored to know him and honored to have shared this brief existence on earth in the same era as he did. I hesitated to share this video, clouded by my sorrow for his passing, but it hit me that his passing is exactly why I must share it - right now and not wait another moment. This retreat went way beyond what words can describe. It was life changing for all of us - those of us that jointly hosted - myself, Kim Farmer and Harriet Dwight Ling - as well as the wonderful participants who opened their hearts and minds and shared with us a piece of their soul ... I was even gifted an opportunity to experience some magical guidance by Kim myself. I will try to share a glimpse of it as best I can ... She sent me in the round pen with her beautiful Friesian gelding and told me I could not speak. (yes - she knows me well ) She asked me to go back to one of my most blissful childhood memories. I felt my mind and heart swept away to when I was around 8 years old and I would play with my pony for hours on end at my Grandparents farm (ironically the farm was only minutes from the location of this retreat) I would day dream as I made necklaces out of clover flowers for him and rode him off bareback through the woods. Blissfully content at simply existing in his presence. Blissfully content at the freedom to day dream in my mind of all the adventures we would have. Blissfully content to play out those day dreams with him as my guide and friend. Blissfully content. As my mind played this movie, Kims Friesian hung close to me, as if desperately desiring to guide me ... to clue me in on what would later seem so obvious. As my mind was swept away Kim began speaking words to me and asking me to rate them by raising my hand ... She said many words. All of which were valuable to me .. freedom, safety, peace, happiness .. but none really grabbed me until she spoke ... Vision. I lifted my hand ... I still felt there was another word that truly defined my calling, but Vision was close - very close. Kim told me to continue to listen to my own heart .. my word would come - there are infinite words that it could be .. My heart was the only one that truly knew, even though I did not know - yet. Later in the retreat I found a card left in the bathroom by a fellow participant. It was face up and said what I knew immediately to be the word ... Originality Vision described my dreams as I played with my pony in the woods, but my dreams I enVisioned were of pure Originality. Not competition with another being, not chasing what someone else told me I should be, just simple Originality - sourced from my simple Origin. Played out in reality by my simple dance with my simple pony. I wrote this 2 years ago ... Brilliant Wild Horses are my Partners in Dance Gifting the Sight of Gods Colors, If only a Glance I keep saying and feeling that I am meant to share a message through these Mustangs. To paint a picture of Gods Love through a dance with my wild Mustang herd. This is my calling, from my Origin. My Originality. But - How to truly paint that kind of picture? Is it vain for me to try? Should I feel guilty to be claiming I even know what Gods love looks like? I have struggled with all of this. Guilt for owning something that is all I feel meant to own. Owning your path is not easy. Not in a world where we are taught to be ever so humble and feel unworthy of Gods love. But isnt the point of life to allow our hearts to shine bright? Isnt the point to shine our light so bright from within that we help light up the path for a fellow friend? Isnt the point of love to FEEL it? Life is a gift. Give yourself permission to take off the tidy little bow and open it up.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 04:27:17 +0000

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