Just as Tom has outlined in the opening of his last post to this - TopicsExpress


Just as Tom has outlined in the opening of his last post to this page. I tend to say things as I see them. I dont believe in political correctness. When and how we both were raised shows that pretty well. As a child there were a few basic things that existed then that I rarely see today. They usually came in threes. The first 3 were God, Family/Close friends , and Country. Always in that order and not negotiable. Next three were the Rs Reading, writing, and arithmetic. This just meant get yourself an education. Learn to think in a logical process. I think we grew up here in Va. just before the dumbing down became rooted in the school system. Why would a country want to dumb down the children? If you dont know the answer to this you were dumbed down, through no fault of your own in the majority of cases, thats just how it is, the Govt has even admitted this since the beginning. The last 3 are: Respect, Accountability, and Morality. Do any of these qualities exist in the generation that followed ours? Yes all these things were slowly being eroded since the late 50s or so, but it has become the norm these days and not the exception. If we were crying and whining in public we had our asses wailed and in public for all to see. Today this gets you arrested for abuse. This just fuels the kids to get further and further out of control. These days parents and their kids are often strangers under the same roof. The family concept has been destroyed. Couples find it convenient to just divorce than to work out their issues and actually communicate. Every relationship that is that close is going to be a love/hate relationship. Theres nothing you can do because they are the same emotion. This is my take on how and why were spiraling out of control. I see almost none of these 9 basic principals used these days. The head scratcher is why have we gotten so far off the track that made this country the greatest in the world? Im afraid weve become too dumb to know any better. Dancing to the tune of the pied piper. Dont try to explain this away by using liberals/Progressives/Communists vs Conservatives/Tea Partyers/Socialists. They are two heads of the same monster. ~BA
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:34:56 +0000

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