Just as the sin of one man, (Adam) resulted in condemnation for - TopicsExpress


Just as the sin of one man, (Adam) resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act of the one Man, (Christ Jesus) resulted in justification and life for all people. Romans 5:18 God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. Anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the One and Only Son of God. John 3:17-18 The whole world came under the condemnation of God because of one man’s sin, Adam’s disobedience resulted in the human race being born under condemnation, It was sin that was the cause of man’s condemnation and the wages of sin is death. It was necessary for God to cover man’s sin with the blood-soaked fleece of a lamb, For in His heart, God purposed to send a Saviour – Who could pay the price of sin. What grace was being shown to man when God purposed to save His fallen race. His perfect life would be a payment – for the sinful lives of the entire human race, All sin that was covered by the fleece of a lamb – would be atoned-for by His blood, Until the blood of the perfect Sacrifice was offered – man’s sin would remain covered – covered but never forgiven UNTIL the final Sacrifice for all sin was offered. But grace was in God’s heart when He purposed to give His Son as a ransom for many, Christ was to come bringing with Him grace and truth for all condemned by the Law. His perfect life and sacrificial death was to break the power of sin, resting on man, His death on the cross was so that man could be released from ALL condemnation. As time passed mankind rebelled against their Creator God and so the Law was sent, Paul says the Law was given so that the offense might abound – so that sin might increase – so that the condemnation on the heads of all men would be multiplied! What a strange thing from a human perspective – Had God abandoned His plan? Ah no! His ways are perfect and this was simply another demonstration of His grace. The greater mans’ sin became the more valuable and precious was the sacrifice for sin, The more sin abounded the more grace would be poured over the head of humanity, What grace the Father showed to man that His Son was to die – to save a fallen race. The Law condemned ALL – for none can keep the righteous requirements of the Law, Yet grace set aside God’s Law – to break the power of condemnation on all men. God’s love dictated that He loved the world so much that He wanted to save mankind, God’s justice dictated that He must judge all guilty sinners and condemn humanity, God’s grace dictated that He would give His only Son to pay the price for all sin. – and the ONLY requirement of man was to believe that Christ died for their sin, – and the ONLY way to be free from condemnation was to believe on Jesus Christ. The ONLY requirement of man is to believe that Christ died for his sins, The ONLY way to be free from condemnation is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, – what grace God showed to man that Christ Jesus has paid the penalty for our sin. God had not shifted the goalposts, for all sin is abhorrent and forever condemned, but He purposed to pour our His wrath against sin upon His Son – in our place. Instead of the LAW being the criteria for perfection – that man must attain, The life of Christ Jesus was to be God’s standard – and He was to do to all for us, – and the ONLY requirement of us is to believe that Christ died for our sins, Punishment from ministration of condemnation was completed – at Calvary, – and the ONLY requirement is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ – for there is no condemnation for those that believe in Christ Jesus – for those that are ‘IN Christ’. When we believe we are immediately given a new life – the perfect life of Christ, And when we yield to the Holy Spirit – HE works in and through our NEW life. This new perfect life of Christ cannot sin.. OH!!!! the old sin nature can still sin, – and when we sin as a believer we lose precious fellowship with our Saviour, – and when we sin we live our life in our own strength and not in Christ’s strength. Nevertheless all SIN was forgiven at Calvary – so all condemnation is lifted, – and there is now NO CONDEMNATION to those that are in Christ Jesus, – there is NO CONDEMNATION to those who are a part of Christ’s body, What great love the Father lavished on us, that we should be called children of God. But what of those that of their freewill have chosen not to believe in Christ Jesus? What of those that have refused to accept that Jesus paid the penalty for the sins? What of them who of their own volition have rejected God’s free offer of salvation? WELL the answer is clear : God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. Anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the One and Only Son of God. Man is not now condemned because he broke God’s Law – but because of unbelief … – unbelief in the Lord Jesus Christ – The Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the world. Man is not condemned because he sinned – but because he did not believe … – because he did not believe on the name of the only begotten Son of God Jesus Christ warned the hypocritical Scribes and Pharisees that they would all die in their sins, for though outwardly righteous – their hearts were riddled with unbelief. The Lord Jesus wept over Jerusalem for in rejecting Him they rejected His grace – and in rejecting His grace they placed themselves under condemnation. Today the work of the Spirit is to convict unsaved people of their sin – but the sin of this age is not the breaking of the Law of Moses but the sin of unbelief in Jesus Christ. Today the work of the Spirit is to conform the saved Christian into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ – for we are not under the Law but under grace.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 21:30:47 +0000

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