Just back from my first meeting (very positive & encouraging - TopicsExpress


Just back from my first meeting (very positive & encouraging indeed). I had wanted to speak, but as there were so many present who were sharing thoughts & opinions, the time for discussion was over before I had the chance, so Ill share with you, what I was going to say there. Yes, I was very upset with the referendum result (I wept at the computer, after having sat-up enough of the night to see that defeat had indeed been snatched from the jaws of victory). However, I am sure that there are at least 5% of those who voted NO who have Voters Remorse, especially as it has come to light that the entire BT campaign and Westminster scaremongered and targeted those who were most susceptible to mainstream media. Benefit cuts masquerading as Austerity Measures, illegal wars, lies about currency and pensions, plus the downright deceit about the oil all have proven the case for independence; before we even touch on the Trojan Horse wheeled in through the back-door - namely Fracking. Seeing the aforementioned, the case for an independent Scotland, is not a hard-sell (far from it, it sells itself), and in all honesty, the message has already penetrated and permeated to the point whereby mainstream media and The Establishment (along with others who have vested interests in maintaining the status quo) are now viewed with a healthy dose of scepticism, rather than outright, unquestioning trust. What we (those who voted YES), must do, at every opportunity, is keep the conversation going, to remind those who voted Yes (and No), just WHY it is so important; to look at the country we live in, and the future offered by both sides - and remember who lied the last-time. Its not a process where the goal is to gloat or appear smug, but to remind everyone of the phrase Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice; shame on me. Its when, not if. Sempre avanti!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 21:58:42 +0000

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