Just because I believe? Everyday that passes I try to grow - TopicsExpress


Just because I believe? Everyday that passes I try to grow stronger in God. I personally feel that I am. I love the feeling that comes with spending time with god. Its peaceful and very enlightening. Once you come out of your time with God or maybe even church there will be the world awaiting. There will be people who laugh saying you go to much, dont go, it dont take all that, etc but you keep reading studying and attending. I noticed when I really started following God people would constantly remind me of who I was and still do from time to time. I was told that my life must be boring because of how much time I spend with God. All of those things were to get me to walk back in to who I was. God called me to a different and higher life style and I had to begin transformation. Basically in following God we have to remain focused on him and know that people and things of life will try to pull you off track. Dont give up or feel like walking with God is to hard. Know that with him you have a better life and this world will destroy you. This world doesnt love you at all. Keep fighting and keep doing what God wants you to do because thats what will really count!!! P.E.H. For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. (1 Timothy 4:10 KJV)
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 13:38:35 +0000

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