Just because a place has been around longer than the inhabitants - TopicsExpress


Just because a place has been around longer than the inhabitants (kind of a no-brainer, since it could not have occurred the other way around, Nimrod), doesnt mean the inhabitants cannot destroy it or, at least, make it uninhabitable. The city of Chernobyl is beginning to allow other than site workers to return, after 28 yrs., but still many concerns about water & soil contamination. That was one very small attack on the ecosystem, but those who work there are only allowed in for a few days a week & live in specially retrofitted apts. and bring food in from other towns. WWIII could easily damage the earth for centuries or longer and make it inhabitable for humans and many other species. Enough of an explosion could alter the spin or axis, which could send it too close to the sun or too far away. More years of too many cattle on the planet could alter the level of methane gas so that the air was not breathable. Altering the levels of carbon dioxide not only makes it so no one can breath the air, but also so that the plants cannot survive, sea life cannot exist, water turns to brine or sludge. Ultimately, the planet dies. A big ball may still orbit with the other dead planets, but nothing can survive on it. You say the earth fights the same way our bodies do. Well, death from Cancer, heart disease, lung disease, organ damage, diabetes, etc. have all increased because all of these diseases have increased. Thanks to certain pesticides, we are, not so slowly, losing the bee populations. It is unclear, but very worrisome, what will happen to edible plant life if that happens. Many, many, many plants need pollination to continue. The concern is so great, cities are starting to ban these pesticides. You have the never to evoke the name of God as you refuse any responsibility for the damaging of the earth. I would love to be there if you ever came in front of Him to explain why you didnt even care that we filled the atmosphere with toxins. Sure you say, like So what? Depleting the ozone layer with toxic chemicals, as weve been doing, will not only make it impossible for us to breathe, but also for the other animals and plants. If you believe in God, you must believe all of life is thanks to Him. Yet, you must also believe that God gave us free will just so we could destroy the planet He made and all the creatures and plants? We cannot enact change simply by some of us growing our own food & petitioning the legislature. You are flat stupid if you imagine even a few hundred thousand signatures on a petition will have any effect of the Republicans these days. Like you, they claim to believe in God, yet do everything to prove they care only for themselves. Like you, I suspect they spend their time refusing to believe that we are destroying the air and water because it is easier than imagining their children, grandchildren, or even unknown great-grandchildren suffering horribly as they try to take a breath, their skin and eyes covered with lesions because every sip of water fills their bodies with more poison. They insist that every woman have as many children as possible by trying to refuse them birth control, yet dont want to take responsibility for the world they force these babies into. You are absolutely wrong that we do not have the capacity to utterly destroy the earth, to make it a barren waste, and to torture everything living when it starts to reach the point of no return. You are wrong.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 08:45:19 +0000

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