Just because humans impose slavery and incarceration upon - TopicsExpress


Just because humans impose slavery and incarceration upon ourselves and one another doesnt mean that our true imperative is not freedom. I know mine is. But until all beings are gifted with their natural right to freedom, none of us shall experience genuine liberty. Our release is intimately linked to theirs. We cannot have what we do not permit to others, not really. There is no peace whilst trillions are abused and murdered unnecessarily by us ~ how could there be? We receive in the same measure as we give, ultimately. So I chain myself to this computer day after day in my effort to achieve the release of the suffering innocents all around me. All it takes is the allowance of the right to life, liberty and happiness of those nonhumans at our tender mercy. Are you willing to give back what isnt yours in the first place? Let them live = go vegan. Maybe then we shall stop exploiting our fellow humans too...... how amazing will that day be! Vegantopia here we come
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 10:43:23 +0000

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