Just because something looks innocent outwardly doesnt mean it is. - TopicsExpress


Just because something looks innocent outwardly doesnt mean it is. Satan is the author of lies, and if we fall for them, we curse ourselves. Be ware. This time of year is to be taken seriously. I dont care if one believes that Halloween is bad or not. My mother in law was part of Wicca (order of witches) when she was in her youth, and into her 20s. She has told me horror stories about this so called holiday, that would curl your toenails! (Holiday, by the way comes from the term Holy Day, which Halloween is not, therefore cannot be construed as a holiday). We have been lied to through paganism. Our fathers and those before them probably never heard the truth, or if they did, ignored it. Wake up people! I have friends that say the love the Lord, yet celebrate Halloween, saying there is Jo thing wrong with it. On the contrary!!! Those who believe Gods word is true and is inspired of Him should know better. One who actually reads and understands the Bible, will undoubtedly understand that this is a time that Satan uses to be glorified. You may say, Well, gosh, Amanda, its just fun and games. We dont mean anything bad by it. I dont care what it means to you or how you interpret it, I dont worship you! You are not GOD Almighty, and you dont make the rules!! HE has been very clear what He will and will not put up with. Its for things like these that our Heavenly Father looks down on us in disgust! Halloween is a nasty filter day set aside to worship Satan, and if we are blind to that fact, then that comes with a curse. I will have people angry with me because of these posts, but I dont care. I will stand for Truth, even if it leads to physical death. Wake up oh you so called Christ followers!! Where in the Bible did Jesus/Yeshua celebrate Halloween??? Oh, thats right, he didnt! We are to shadow our Messiah and do as He did. He followed Torah and lived a righteous life. We are to do the same. Time to check ourselves.... Are we living as Yeshua did, or are we to be judged for trying to justify our flesh??? Think on this. If I am deleted as a friend from anyone, I accept that, but know this is being sent out in love.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 09:38:23 +0000

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