Just because you know what it means does not mean you know what it - TopicsExpress


Just because you know what it means does not mean you know what it takes. ~ Barry Sewell (I said it first!) Survival is one example. Ive lost count on how many times Id discuss survival technique with young people. They are usually gung-ho about it until I ask them to tell me how they were going to survive under certain circumstances. They would give me a blank look and when Im not looking theyd try and google it up. As funny as it might sound it really isnt funny. I remember many years ago when I was about their age, a gung-ho young man who thought he had what it takes. That was until Crystal Blalock Sewell, one other good friend and I went on a survival course near Escalante, south Utah. It was a week long course but it was an eternity. Heres the story. They gave each one of us a thin bed roll, a tin cup, one dull kitchen knife and a small bag of rice. And then they dropped us off in middle of vast desert surrounded by red canyons, along with one savvy guide. There, we ate what we caught. Ate rice only if we didnt catch anything. Home made traps were made with flat stones and hand twisted rope made of tall grasses. One morning I woke up to learn that I had trapped a desert mouse. I had a choice to make. Starve that day or eat it. Naturally I roasted it and picked off its valuable proteins (meat). We also learned how delicious & valuable big ants were. Tasted like grapes and they were highly energetic. We also discovered underground vegetation from what I thought were useless weeds. We collected our daily rations of water from a hole we dug next to a flat walled rock cliff, the way the Anasazi people collected theirs many years ago. By the time it was over we were changed people. We could never look at pizza and ice cream the same way any more.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 20:39:00 +0000

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