Just because your political views are different than mine does not - TopicsExpress


Just because your political views are different than mine does not make you right, and it sure dont make me wrong. Get a grip, everyone is different; that is what is called individuality. Just because you disagree with what I say or what I believe does not mean that it is your mission to make me conform to your little box. Face it, I do not care for Obama, and no get YOUR little racial mind out of the gutter because it has nothing to do with the color of his skin. Calling me a racist because I dont care for him is a racial statement on your part. The only think that Obama and I agree on is that we both dont like Hillary. I like guns, have since I was little. Does that make me an murderer, Well if it does in your mind than maybe it is you who should go see a psychologist. I believe that the current administration is bringing America down, does that make me an extremist? NO it just says I do not like what the administration is doing. I dont like muslim extremists, does that make me anti-muslim? Well if in your mind it does than maybe you better pull your head out of your backside and take off your rose colored glasses, There is a big difference between mulsim and muslim extremists. If you dont know the difference than maybe you should just stay on your little island of people just like you and pray that you never have to find out first hand. Just because you have your beliefs and I have mine does not make you better or more intelligent than me. It makes us different. I may not be as eloquent as you but eloquence does not make the person.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 15:32:08 +0000

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