Just caught up on How I Met Your Mother. Finished season 8. It - TopicsExpress


Just caught up on How I Met Your Mother. Finished season 8. It should have ended there. It completed the story started eight years ago. No need for more. Brilliant series that carried comedy and emotion, and helped save the career of all six major characters (including Narrator Ted, voiced by Bob Saget every episode but never shown). The show was amazing at making subtle references to other tv shows and movies. They used cameos and guest stars with incredible ease which made every episode noteworthy, but with proper volume as to not distract the viewer from the story being told every week. Unlike other tv shows, the producers, writers, and directors do an amazing job at pacing the minor and major story arcs into a fluid episodic series which kept viewers wanting more with suspenseful increments. When the show began, Marshall Eriksen was in grad-school, and by the end he was happily married with children, with a successful career, who gave birth to the Olive Theory. When the show began Jason Segel was a 25 year old comedic supporting cast in Judd Apatow films, and by the end he headlined movies such as Forgetting Sarah Marshall, I Love You, Man, Despicable Me, and The Muppets which every one has seen while creating a cult influencing legendary character. Man and character both witnessed change on and off the screen, and I would like to think with the right attitude and a little good luck and timing, that is possible for every one. I would like to thank the cast and crew for making me laugh, cry, and smile on a weekly basis (interrupted by months of not watching, caught up days at a time!) And I would like to thank Derek Brooks for introducing me to it because you need to believe everything happens for a reason, man, and two friends who I would have never started talking to had it not been for HIMYM (oddly enough), Jessica Reinstein and Grace Tangney, who put up with years of my crazy theories, had fun discussions with, and were entertained by it just as much as I was. And let this last paragraph be proof that in my opinion everything does happen, for a reason.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 09:24:35 +0000

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