Just come home and its a wrap! November & December will be spent - TopicsExpress


Just come home and its a wrap! November & December will be spent writing transcripts, then into manuscripts, then chapters and then finally into sections, the legal team take it , tweak it and reword anything if needed, it then goes into print. Any friends who are mentioned in the book will have the manuscripts sent to sign the consent form or ask me to change or reword it. You know who you are! ;) I wondered how Id feel today completing writing my journey I wondered if Id feel a bit sad finishing it and no I dont tonight I feel an immense feeling of closure. Whoever chooses to read my story please dont think its negative because its not, whatever has been thrown my way Ive found houmor, Ive found some very special people along the way, Ive found lifelong friends, Ive learnt lessons, Ive chosen to keep fighting and turn the negatives into positives.......And just when you think Victoria has got out of the woods she goes and gets her self lost in a bloody great forest!!! Surprising tears were shed today not on my childhood but moreso on my fight for survival after leaving the witch. In all National papers I was know as Victim A its nice to show a person behind it. Its also really really really lovely to get to name all those who simply refused to give up on me. When I first left the witch I felt so alone, scared and isolated. I remember After Euinces court case had finished I read other survival stories and I didnt feel so alone with my thoughts and feelings. I hope my book gives others strengths, show professionals there errors, shows my appreciation to so many who showed me light at the end off the tunnel when I could only see darkness. I hope all those who think a dog is just a dog realise they arent they can be someones salvation and guardian furry angel.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 20:26:14 +0000

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