Just completed this first piece for a business management website - TopicsExpress


Just completed this first piece for a business management website that I am now writing for... I wont be posting my complete work often but Im excited about this first contribution for this company so I thought I would share... ------------------------ “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Think about some of the most successful, highly reputed companies you know of. What names come to mind immediately? Perhaps the likes of… Google? Apple? Now ask yourself this question: What do you suppose the chances are that Google and Apple became Google and Apple on sheer luck? It can easily be ventured that some of their incredible good fortune can surely be accredited to timing. But contrary to the old cliché, timing is not, in fact, everything. Planning is EVERYTHING. If you are joining us here on our website (and clearly you are), chances are you are either a current business owner or aspiring entrepreneur. Maybe you’ve been in business for years and are seeking a new direction or larger market share… You’re stagnating. Or, perhaps, you are sitting on what you know is the next biggest thing and you’re ready to bring it to market but haven’t the first clue where to begin. Either way, you are in very serious need of a solid plan. Without one, you will not get from your current point A to point B, where your success is realized. A plan is going to be your vehicle. Developing a business plan is no simple task. It requires substantial exploration of so many various essential elements in order to come up with just the right formula for you and your business. For example… Determining your ideal target market, establishing your competitive edge that will set you apart from others in the same field or industry… Brand development, marketing and advertising strategy, online and social media presence… How much capital are you capable of investing, can you harness investors, what are your budgeting priorities, how much risk are you willing to take? The list goes on and on. A good plan, one that will truly enable your success, will be based on a couple of key principles. The first is that you must determine where you want to end up. Business should never be entered into on a whim. Unless you don’t mind simply floating along aimlessly?? That’s what we thought. No, you need to have a clear vision of where you see yourself. Chances are you’re not necessarily aiming to be the next Google or Apple right away. And that’s ok! Even if your sights are set on being a smaller to mid size company, your intention, no doubt, remains to be the most profitable and prosperous smaller to mid size company possible. Second, you need to assess what it’s going to take to get you there, to achieve your vision, and then break this down into smaller, organized and deliberate steps. One foot in front of the other, walk before you can run… This is the part that can be very overwhelming. Though you may have a clear vision of where you want to end up, it may be that you only know some of what its going to take to get you there. Or maybe, you haven’t the first clue at all! As mentioned above, there are so many specific areas that need to be addressed and creating a clear and solid plan is not so simple. This is where we come in. Our expertise in this area can enable us to work with you to develop a plan that will set you up for ultimate success. We make the process as simple as possible and provide you with not only a reliable plan or vehicle, but also a clear direction in which to travel. Contact us today and lets get started.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 13:24:53 +0000

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