Just copied this off a post on Tenerife Forum, cant vouch for its - TopicsExpress


Just copied this off a post on Tenerife Forum, cant vouch for its authenticity but thought it worth sharing amongst residents and visitors, I quote 3 recent acts of organised crime have affected British elderly walking their dogs in the evening in los cristianos. Its organised crime because over a short period of time they monitored what has been in wallets/belongings, and managed to withdraw cash at different cash points in different locations that didnt have CCTV. SUGGESTIONs: 1) Dont carry your wallet with you late night, but a small amount of cash 2) Do not fight back and hand over your cash, as one elderly expat has been kicked in the head and bruised in his face, and escaped blindness by a millimeter only. 3) Cooperate with police with detailed information for them to be identified. Best wishes 4) Dont carry your pin codes in your wallets or mobiles. 5) cancel your credit cards IMMEDIATELY. Best wishes Cheryl Viv Wildy thanks for the info MikeandSue Barlow has this been put on Neighborhood watch Tenerife Margaret Buckley I rang for police assistance for the elderly gent that was kicked in the face/head and they did not respond had me on phone 8 minutes waiting for the dispatcher to decide what to do. USELESS!!!!! Cheryl Viv Wildy OMG thats terrible Maurice Ault Being elderly I only carry enough cash for what I am doing and some means of identity card etc and a cheap mobile phone - just in case. Never take out wallets, handbags or expensive toys. Common sense really. Wendy Ollington Omg this is awful x I hope they find them soon x Janet Anscombe Sadly, its an annual thing. One of the most sickening things about the groups who come here precisely for the winter trade is the disproportionate number of elderly and infirm victims, chosen because theyre easiest and safest to rob ... and theyre here mainly in the winter. Police know about the gangs, and they have years where they have success in breaking them up, but they keep coming ... Cheryl Viv Wildy is there a certain nationality doing this? Noreen Moloney Lyche Just horrid picking on old people Margaret Buckley Not always old people a younger woman was mugged in more or less same place about a month before!! Jackie Mc Cotter As Janet says, its definately an annual thing, Ive seen it year in year out, on the build up to Christmas. And no, unfortunately, its not just elderly people, its anyone, dont drop your guard for a second, theyll be on you. Ive been robbed a couple of weeks ago in Los Cris, how I wish I could get my hands on them, theyd have no hands left!! Margaret Buckley Councils here in there wisdom plant trees and bushes in areas that are in poorly lit areas, good getaways for the muggers. Try asking for trees and bushes to be pruned!! Stephanie Tudge Until we stop carrying large sums of money around this horrible crime will continue because it pays.When it stops paying,these low life thieves will look for new targets. Very little car theft now as cars have become much more secure.Lets do the same now with our own personal safety. Margaret Buckley Afraid its getting to the stage where we dont venture out at night unless in car! Manuel Martinez Perdomo Hell, the South of the island is starting to sound everyday more like Brazil or Venezuela than Tenerife... Sandra Hemple Smith Were in cristianos is this happening. Silvia Odler Today in Puerto d la Cruz sitting inside the cafe when suddenly there are about 8 people men and women running down the street, were running after one man could b in his 50s like maroccan or indian ? They just caught him at the front of the café, he was brought down to ground, he was incredibly shaking.never saw anything like this b4! You never know who can rob you!! They smile, say buenas tardes, hola..and then adios belongings! Paul Tree Why take your wallet to walk the dog ...sorry Siobhan Ferguson Now you mention it Paul, i take my purse on my night walks, dont know why, its just in the bag, so maybe its just habit. Silvia Odler, i hope he got a good kicking
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 06:42:01 +0000

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