Just did something I havent done since Camdens diagnosis over 4 - TopicsExpress


Just did something I havent done since Camdens diagnosis over 4 months ago.....I downloaded his records from the hospital over those 4 days and read all the notes and test results. Cue the tears! He was one sick kiddo! The doctor told me on day 2 that we were possibly a day or two away from not having him here with us. Those words rang in my ears over and over and over - and I still thank God daily! Heres some reference - I wont bore you with all 21 pages (from the 4 days) of test results.... Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (Ketones in the blood) Normal Range: 0.2 - 2.8 mmol/dL Anything over 3.0 mmol/L is considered Critical and labeled Ketoacidosis or DKA Camdens Result: 9.6 mmol/dL Ketones in Urine Normal Range: Negative or 0 mg/dL Camdens: >80 or Large ketones cO2 in Blood Normal Range: 23-30 mmol/dL Camdens: 7 mmol/dL Venous O2 Sat Blood level Normal Range: 95-100% Camdens range at diagnosis: 68.2% and the one that sealed the deal for T1... Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibody (one of the markers for T1) Normal Range in a Non-Diabetic: 0.0-5.0 IU/mL Camdens Range: >250.00 IU/mL - Id say that proves it! As painful as it was to read all this and remember his frail/weak little body lying there not responding....the nurses desperately trying to get an IV into his sunken veins but giving up after blowing out 4 in the first hour......it was also empowering! Recalling how just 2 days after his rushed ambulance ride into the Pediatric ICU, he was literally WOWING the doctors and nurses by doing all his own testing and injections and walking around the floor like he owned it! He has come so far. We have learned so much! I had never heard the terms, much less used, DKA, A1C, Ketones, Blood Glucose, CGM, T1D, Dexcom, IDDM, MDI, Bolus, Somogyi effect, Basal, Honeymoon (in this context) or Glucagon...now we probably use most of those on a daily basis. Is this what I had envisioned for Camdens life? Hell NO! But it IS his life. Is it our life now. It sucks...Its inconvenient....Its painful...Its frightening....but most importantly, its DO-ABLE! Im so Blessed to have Jimmy with me on this journey! We have a new vision for Camdens life now - and its just as bright and beautiful as its always been.....just a more scenic route!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 08:28:16 +0000

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