Just doing church!!!!! I receive e-mails like this daily from - TopicsExpress


Just doing church!!!!! I receive e-mails like this daily from my web visitors, upset at their local dead churches. Americas churches are in sad shape spiritually because the men of God are few. While preachers are dime a dozen nowadays, fervent men of God are an endangered species. What America needs is real men of God...men with guts and determination...men who are ticked off enough to get MAD (Make A Difference)...men who arent afraid to rock the boat and offend people...men to whom TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS mean more than anything else...men with vision. But you say, Dont we need pastors who are loving and compassionate? Of course we do, but we need BOTH. A true man of God possess strength and beauty, grace and truth, love and hate. I saw a bumper sticker today that read Hate is Sick. Well, not all types of hate. As believers, we should all hate sin and wickedness. A pastor should have as much hatred for sin as he does love for his people. In fact, a pastor who doesnt preach against sin doesnt love his people. I recently learned of a gay Baptist church in San Francisco. That pastor (and I use the term loosely) does NOT love his people. A pastor is not just someone that collects a paycheck, which is about all todays clergy amounts to. A pastor is supposed to be a man of God that preaches the TRUTH, like it or lump it, take it or leave it, turn or burn, its Jesus or hell. If you dont like that, then get right with God!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 20:37:46 +0000

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