Just finished Kundalini Yoga Class via Skype. Kriya for a Calm and - TopicsExpress


Just finished Kundalini Yoga Class via Skype. Kriya for a Calm and Open Heart Center. We can ALL use that right now, right? The end of the kriya calls for listening to Pavan Pavan Mantra holding the mudra and pumping the navel point with each beat of the Mantra. It gives mastery over the pranic shield, the life force energy by using the navel to develop your stamina and strength. You may join us at any time! We welcome your energy and Light! Meditation to Enrich the Mind Mantra: Pavan Pavan Pavan Pavan Par Paraa Pavan Guru Pavan Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Pavan Guru Meaning of Mantra: Pavan – The Divine Breath Par Para – From Beyond the Beyond Pavan Guru – The Breath is the Guru Wahe Guru – the Experience of the Divine Mudra:Put the right hand palm up and the left hand with palm down. Put the elbows by the sides and lift the hands up to the level of the Heart Center. Do not let the hands hang loosely or without balance. Hold both hands steadily. Time: Continue for 31 minutes. End: Inhale, hold the breath for 10-15 seconds. Concentrate on your hands. Then bring your hands together and exhale. Inhale deeply in the original position. Hold the breath and stretch your spine upwards. After 10-15 seconds exhale strongly. One more time, inhale deeply. Stretch your spine totally. Keep the chin in, chest out. After 10-20 seconds, exhale through the mouth powerfully. Relax. Comments: Be sure to use the tip of the tongue distinctly. “Whoever recites this mantra becomes absolutely divine., God in action. Pavan is “May the force be with you.” This mantra increases the pranic energy. There is no better healing than this.”
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 00:10:44 +0000

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