Just for Information. The aggressive mood of the AIBOA shows that - TopicsExpress


Just for Information. The aggressive mood of the AIBOA shows that the merger process is in fast forward mode. We are hopeful of knowing the name of the other Associate in the next few days. Letter to FM, SBI chairman and others are addressed the Association. Circular No.14/VI/2013 August 26, 2013 TO ALL UNITS / STATE COMMITTEES Dear Comrades ASSOCIATE BANKS MERGER WITH STATE BANK OF INDIA GOVERNMENT AND SBI ARE IN FAST FORWARD MODE Right from Narasimham Committee I (NARA –I) in 1991 the agenda of “Consolidation of Banking” had been seriously pursued by Govt. of India. The first fall out of the same was merger of “New Bank of India” (NBI) with “Punjab National Bank” (PNB) on the 4th September 1993. Such a forced integration of NBI with PNB had its own telling effects on employees’ morale and also the resistance level, as jobs and job security were and are prime concern of the work force, from time in immemorial. In the past 2 decades more than a dozen private sector banks have been allowed to open their branches, out of which 4 had to be merged with other entities and 1 had to merge with Oriental bank of Commerce (OBC), digesting heavy volume of NPAs in their Balance Sheet. During the same period State Bank of Saurashtra, had its headquarters at Saurashtra due its wrong policy of investment involved in Harshad Metha Scam accepted by the workforce of SBS at that time, the “meaningless mercy killing” in the year 2008 with SBI for no fault of them. The profit making, technology driven and the No 1 performing Bank headquartered at Indore, State Bank of Indore was acquired by force by State Bank of India in December 2010, in spite of strong resistance from the State Government and also from the work force of the erstwhile SB Indore. The agenda of merger and consolidation of the Banking Industry is getting more focused by the Government of India. The Government had issued the guidelines in September 2012, enlisting the functional regrouping of all Public Sector Banks including IDBI, a prelude to merger. The group heads are having their periodical monthly meetings with other entities to work out the smooth transistion plan, as they are placed on the same technology platform. The Government of India is in the “Fast Forward mode” of initiating the Mergers & Acquisitions exercise in the financial Sector unmindful of consequences. State Bank of India , has entrusted Sri S Viswanathan M D & GE (Associate and Subsidiaries) with the responsibility of the merger exercise. The process is already underway. State Bank of Hyderabad (SBH), State Bank of Patiala (SBP), State Bank of Bikaneer and Jaipur (SBBJ), State Bank of Travancore (SBT) and State Bank of Mysore (SBM) having their presence in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Kerala and Karnataka are under attack, as they are already integrated in the technology platform, besides the common treasury operations. Their performance is extremely satisfactory in all parameters than the State Bank of India in the respective states, more in particular. State Sector Bank Employees’ Associations [SSBEA], having sensed the imminent danger of disentitlement of individual entity as banks and forced to fall in the trap have “Chalked out agitational programmes” culminating in an All India Stay out Strike on 25 9 2013 fully backed by AIBEA in line with their organizational decision. The wolf is at our doorstep to eat our jobs. AIBOA strongly sensed the danger and correctly projected the issue in the two days Industrial strike in February 2013. The international experience is also of the same velocity. AIBOA has taken up with UFBU to consider the proposal of collective resistance movement against the move of the State Bank Management and Government of India combine. It was also decided in the CC meeting held on 4th and 5th August 2013 to take up the issue of Associate Bank Mergers with SBI, with all concerned in the Government as well as with the peoples’ elected representatives urging upon the authorities to go into the detail by referring to a specific committee for this purpose. Keeping the grim situation in view, it has been decided by the “Secretariat Meeting” held at Delhi 23.08.2013 to unleash the following programmes of actions 29.8.2013 LETTER TO CHAIRMAN SBI BY ALL AFFILIATED UNITS AND STATE COMMITTEES 30.8.2013 LETTER TO GOVERNOR RBI BY ALL AFFILIATED UNITS AND STATE COMMITTEES 31.8.2013 LETTER TO FINANCE MINISTER GOVERNMENT OF INDIA 5.9.2013 BADGE WEARING ‘ ANTI MERGER DAY’ 16.09.2013 TO] 23.09.2013] DEMONSTRATIONS AT ALL CENTRES 25.9.2013 DHARNA – AT DELHI, KOLKATTA, MUMBAI, CHENNAI, HYDERABAD, PATIALA, TRIVANDRUM, JAIPUR BENGALURU and INDORE BY STATE COMMITTEES. No Clerical Duty will be discharged by Officers on the strike day. Let us extend our solidarity to the agitating workforce in our Industry, true to our commitment. With greetings Yours comradely / S NAGARAJAN/ GENERAL SECRETARY
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 01:47:08 +0000

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