Just for the heck of it, here are some things Ive learned. The - TopicsExpress


Just for the heck of it, here are some things Ive learned. The formula to having a good day consists of four things: 1 - get your ass out of bed, 2 - exercise, 3 - good food, 4 - books. Let me explain. 1 - Get your ass out of bed. Just do it. The way you handle waking up sets the tone for the day. If you wake up and spend 20 minutes checking your phone, youre going to be a repulsive sloth for the rest of the day and you should be put down. If you get up out of bed and start your day as soon as your alarm goes off, youll already have an advantage, a little extra pep in your mother effing step. 2 - Exercise. It matters not what you do, so long as you break a sweat. It could be ten push-ups, running up the stairs while skipping a step every time you go up them, punching the daylights out of a bag, lifting weights, throwing bricks at people you hate (tempting, right?), or going for a run. Your body likes when you make it do things it doesnt want to, you sick masochistic bloke, you. Just dont sit on your bum all day. Take a break from lounging to do something that makes you break a sweat, then go back to lounging, ya dig? 3 - Good food. Eat well and youll feel well, its that simple. Eat like you are investing in your future--you dont want to be that 30-year old who has no idea where that gut came from. It doesnt matter how bad you want it, if you think even for a second that you might hate yourself after eating it, dont bloody eat it. Additionally, force yourself to eat the right proportions. Every human is endowed with the skill of eating 5 times the suggested serving size like its nothing, but that doesnt mean you should. If you dont know the serving size for whatever youre going to eat, give it your best guess, then low ball it and stick with that. Listen to your stomach. If you cant breathe by the time youre done stuffing your face, youre doing it wrong. If you feel uncomfortable after eating, youre doing it wrong. If you chose the big fat juicy cheeseburger over the turkey club, youre doing it wrong. Eat smart wherever possible. Additional tips: if its low-sodium, check for increased sugar; if its low sugar/sugar free, check for increased sodium. Thats how they get you. And when choosing beverages, always always always choose water when possible. And drink lots of it. If your urine isnt almost clear consistently throughout the day, youre doing it wrong. 4 - Books. A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone. If youve felt it, its in a book somewhere. If you wondered about it, its in a book somewhere. That literally covers all the pages, pun very much intended. But seriously, books are awesome you guys. My homeslice Stephen King said, Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for each dollar spent. And now Im going to pull something Carl Sagan said because hes the closest a human has ever gotten to a Jedi: One glance at [a book] and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for thousands of years. Across the millennia, the author is speaking, clearly and silently, inside your head, directly to you. Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people, citizens of distant epochs, who never knew one another. Books break the shackles of time--proof that humans can work magic. And dont give me that crap about books making you tired--if you get tired while reading, exercise tip #2 by...EXERCISING. Thats the checklist for a good day. Go forth and carry yourself in a thuggish, sassy manner, for you are now endowed with the sacred knowledge. Im basically a badass version of a Buddhist monk, its fine.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 05:00:34 +0000

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