Just for your Information Have you ever wondered that the day - TopicsExpress


Just for your Information Have you ever wondered that the day you were born was a Wonder? Have you realized that all is not what it seems? For e.g. the Bible on the outside is not the Bible on the inside or vice-versa. So where did the Life come from? Definitely not from the Ape-man or woman! Why was the free gifted oxygen that you breathe bestowed on on our plant? essentially more since the big bang theory should have given life to mercury venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto not counting the other bodies? So what makes the Earth so special that it is even gifted with water? Or for that matter why are the clothes we wear or the vehicle that we drive or the house that we live in or the metals under the Earth...it goes on and on so valuable and mysteriously made known to humankind? Could it be just a coincidence or is it something beyond our understanding? Why does the Earth not only rotate on its axis but withstands the gravity to put millions of of millions of tonnes of earth weight to float like a helium balloon? Why do we die just to rise again in the aftermath of death? why do we have Saints and Angels and Prophets and Priests and Nuns who willingly do the Good work of GOD when so many of us continue to warm our seats? Why does the Sun shine upon us and not burn us out? Why do we have a Protective layer preventing the burning of life on Earth? So many Questions and no takers? Even the Creator will wonder at our stubbornness? Of course Fools will rush in where even Angels Fear to tread. But that does not mean we should try to be unholy or evil knowingly that the very hair on your head are counted by GOD. The Father even sent His only begotten Son that we should have Life and life in abundance.What a catastrophic Sacrifice of One Man dying and bearing the pain of the whole world in His Blood whereas we scream at the point of a needle piercing our Flesh. Finally, the Give us this day, our Daily Bread is not only the bread that you eat your meals but it is the day the supply stops and you die on Earth only to be rewarded in Heaven. A most Beautiful Mystery of Mystery. Just for your Information And the greatest News for a woman is that she is pregnant with child. Of course, centuries back women were married earlier and had no idea of motherhood. The Man was Whole and Soul. It always calls for a Celebration when one is aware of a new born pregnancy. Now, let us see. When Mary, the mother of JESUS was told by the Arch Angel Gabriel that GOD has visited his People and that she is to be pregnant; she was astounded. True but the Feeling of shock must have been written all over her face and rather astounding. Now Mary, being very mature at an early age was asked by GOD whether she would bring JESUS into the world? It is seen that GOD will never do anything without the permission of a human being. What an astronomic GOD we have. Mary will have been puzzled and at times bubbling with Joy of the Holy Spirit in carrying Baby JESUS in her womb. The fact goes that when Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, her Baby leaped with Joy at the sound of Marys Voice. Again we understand and see wonders galore. Understandably, Mary would also be filled with fear at the thought of carrying GODs Son or whether she would make a good Mother. Mary would have been ready to give up her Life for the Birth of her son. Now, before delivery, Joseph and Mary had a lot of running around to do in fear of Herod but the Spirit would help them at every moment at the last instant and that is what happens to us today. When we are ready to give up hope, the Holy Spirit enters our life but till then it is up to us to search for GOD. The Soul is ever longing and desires to bond with GOD whether we like it or not! The Stress and tension and happiness that Mary endured even in Teaching the Word of GOD to JESUS would liven up her Spirit in preparation for Victory on Earth. Amen! Just for your Information And the New year has begun and I really do wonder how many have kept their resolutions? Actually, the right thing to do is Confession and not resolutions but never mind, sometimes we like to call it so. JESUS too must have made some resolutions like to promise to make a bird from clay and breathe in it; true as written in the Koran. He must have joked a lot with his mum, Mary. I guess Joseph must have been a lot stricter. He must have been a quiter child not exposing himself too much with the neighbors. But then, none of us can really compare ourselves to the Son of GOD. Even John the Baptist quoted himself not worthy to untie the shoes/sandals of JESUS. Now JESUS could have been a mathematical wizard and no one knew about it. Being secretive always has an ace up ones sleeve. The TRUMP card is always kept last and that is the Resurrection of becoming Alive after Death; the first born to RISE. Praise GOD! Halleluiah! Just for your Information Completed our training session, a refresher and crash course compiled by Konkan Railways for MPT. 14 Engineers and a maistry are now railway trained for our yard at MPT railways. It has been a strenuous exercise completing 12 months portion in 12 days. But the idea was for guiding the semi-experienced and raw staff to get acquainted with the modes and ways of railways which has been a great achievement to a certain extent. So, the whole lot of us were relieved as this was our last day but at the same time sad to leave the wonderful teaching faculty. In the same way like a railway formation, we are the children of a living GOD; not a dead GOD because from Baptism we are growing in body and the holy spirit and experiencing new changes in our surrounding and our physical body too. The railway track is a base for the train and its passengers. In the same way GOD is our Guide in our human life trying to attain the 60% passing marks to achieve entrance to Thy Kingdom Come and guaranteeing entrance to the Holy Place called Heaven, I suppose with a minimum 80% achievement in our life. The train takes us to our destination from North to South and East to West. Likewise, from a baby to adolescence to manhood to old age is our destination. We cannot say one fails to reach his or her target or mission in life because we are Born to Die and like Christ from Death to Resurrection. So in other Words, we live to die but to die in JESUS CHRIST. Just as we have seen the Saints; Saint Alphonsa and Saint Francis Xavier with an incorruptible Body (see Exposition) and Saint Jose Vaz (newly ordained Saint). It is said that a Priest will never get bitten by a Saint in Sri Lanka because of the latter Saint. So our life takes a Twist as in a railway track which is dangerous whereas a Twist from Bad to GOOD in a human life is Excellent and assures one of a room in Heaven. The Holy Bible is a Book for the young and old; for the wise and fools; for the learned and stupid. Actually there is not a single stupid Soul because we are created in the Image of our Holy GOD. S, from now and from now onwards we must perceive a radical change in our lives, a life to be good and nor arrogant; to be simple and humble and not boastful or egoistic. A life to be Blessed and not to be Damned. A life to give up on our bad ways and choose the new life giving ways. A choice not restricted to Christians only but to every religion where JESUS gives freely and openly the Holy Spirit to all who desire to live Forever and Ever. Amen! Just for your Information Many of us do not find Reality in our lives. We live as if there is always a tomorrow. Maybe a very good sign but the Lord says; Live Life in all its Blissfulness and with his Blessings. Amen! Recently, two Angels were video filmed from the sky in Brazil, yet most of us doubt it in reality. So, do we have; Do Angels exist or not? Again the 63 million dollar question. People around the Globe have seen visions with their naked eyes. My! What a Blessing! Even the Prophets of yonder years did not get revelations from the Lord! Are we not a most a Blessed Generation? Some have seen Angels galore. But what do we have these Angels from the Lord for? To be precise, the Angels towards your left shoulder writes down all your good deeds in everyday life and the Angel towards your right hand side shoulder writes all the evil you do. These testimonies are real and will be used for your judgement! Remember your L.H. side when facing GOD is His Right Hand side. Also, GOD sends us various Angels who protect us as in Psalms 91. Now, should we not be worried when we do not grasp all these opportunities? I have been cleansed from my Hidden sins revealed by GOD to me with single Tear drops flowing from both my eyes for every individual sin that has been committed by me in a vision. The smallest sin hurts GOD so much that He sent and sends his Prophets so that People would understand Him. Time waits for no Man/Woman! So please try to do the needful to attain Salvation. Many are Called But Few are Chosen. Everything remains in what you chose. To be Good or to be Bad! Amen! Just for your Information There appears to be a hush in the sky; a silence not eerie but calm; maybe a time to attend a religious session or a retreat or a prayer group or listen to the TV channels airing the day to day living in spirituality or listen to the gospel preachers on radios, etc. A time to be Still and Pray asking your GOD for something which He is waiting desperately only for you to ask. Maybe like seeking a job or a desperate problem (solution) or maybe a healing (physical, spiritual or mental) or getting rid of a life prone habit or vice. So may things to ask and your Faithful GOD just waiting for you to open the mouth that he molded for you.So sad that very few of us even know that on attending your daily or Sunday Holy Mass, you do not offer your hurts and aches to your GOD who will return the favor in the Bread of Christ; the Holy Eucharist. (the web site for the Holy Eucharistic Miracles) will make even the non-believer to wonder how GOD can come in the Form of Bread and wine representing the Body and Blood of JESUS CHRIST. Again the mind has to be Peaceful in order to know what it is your GOD wants impatiently to give to you. If only you knew the Mind of GOD, today nobody would be a beggar; a beggar with various meanings like a rich man/woman wanting to have a Peace of mind. Come JESUS, come!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 06:06:45 +0000

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