Just getting to watch the Oscars since I worked last night. Here - TopicsExpress


Just getting to watch the Oscars since I worked last night. Here is a Top Ten of my thoughts on the show: 1) Ellen was a great host. Very funny in her own way, and her shtick and gags worked well... especially the pizza & selfie one. 2) Jennifer Lawrence is beautiful, but also seems to be having the time of her life. She is always smiling and genuinely looks totally unimpressed by all that is going on around her... she is honestly living her dream and you can see it in her fresh face. 3) Glad that there were some shocks. Leo was great, but to give it to Matthew Mac was a really big coup. Same for that Lupita chick... no one thought she had a shot. 4) Pharrel is super talented, but enough with that fn hat already. Cmon man. We get it. You own that dumb hat in a variety of colors and are not afraid to break it out for EVERY public appearance you make. Please leave it home from now on. 5) I love that Ellen put Harvey Weinstein on blast... and he loved it. 6) Amy Adams is very attractive to me, mostly because she looks and acts so normal. She doesnt look or act like the huge star she is, and that is cool. 7) Even though Her didnt win any of the major acting awards, winning for best screenplay must be really satisfying for Spike Jonez. He is an epic writer, so it is great to see his weird niche crack the big time. 8) the RIP clip was crazy good, and very touching. It hurt me as it does every year, since I love movies so much. 9) That Somalian dude from Captain Phillips is a real dude, and looks like that in real life. Actually, the dude is even skinnier! That is crazy... I thought it was movie magoc, but that dude really looks like that... now thats insane. 10) MY ABSOLUTE HIGHLIGHT: Bill Murray giving Harold Ramis a shout out during the Best Cinematography category. Class act, well done. His hand was shaking after he did it as he tried to keep his emotions in check. Even funny guys get emotional.... Pretty cool show. No matter how pretentious the awards may be, the show will always be an important part of my year! Thanks for all the distractions....
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 17:16:33 +0000

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