Just gonna weigh in with my two cents on this Open Carry Non - TopicsExpress


Just gonna weigh in with my two cents on this Open Carry Non sense. People its 2014 Nobody needs to strap Open Iron on their hip to go to HEB. And if its that rough move ! There is no bigger 2nd amendment proponent than me..... The average joe is not nearly trained enough to handle a sidearm in private much less a public place. Standing in a line at a gun range firing at a white piece of paper at 7 yards, that doesnt move our heaven forbid return fire. Can prepare a person for what will happen when they Slap leather and start a running gun battle in the frozen food section at Wally World. Please lets just keep it Tucked ! Cause Id hate to get shot three isles over getting my M&Ms on. Folks the moment you show youre gun to someone else is the moment you chose to take that persons life to protect you and yours. Because if you dont take theirs, they will be doing there best to take yours ! Meanwhile Mr M&M cant quite Move like the Matrix anymore and thanks you for your continued concealment !
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 04:07:58 +0000

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