Just got an email from a person saying they really enjoy my - TopicsExpress


Just got an email from a person saying they really enjoy my writings and my arguments in defense of Islam and Prophet Muhammad(sa) are excellent....but I would have a greater appeal if I didnt disclose that Im an Ahmadi Muslim. When will it occur to people that maybe, just maybe, they enjoy my writings and appreciate my arguments BECAUSE my writing and arguments are from the Ahmadiyya school of Islamic thought? Such criticisms arent criticisms, theyre confessions. Theyre confessions that Ahmadi Muslims are in fact leading the campaign to defend Islam and Prophet Muhammad(sa) in peace and with logic and argumentation. But they just hate to admit it. Rather than asking me to censor this, such people should reflect and appreciate the source of what they find so appealing, and ask me to promote it even more. And frankly, if your mind says wow this is an incredible argument followed by but Im going to disregard because hes an Ahmadi Muslim, then the only person youre harming is yourself. Because in your mind you now know where the best scholarship is coming from but youre choosing to disregard it due to your own prejudices. Youre keeping yourself ignorant. The irony is that the same mullahs and clerics today that abuse and insult the Messiah and Mahdi Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community), also plagiarize the arguments he developed and coined over a century ago. Its amazing to see the hypocrisy, and unfortunately that hypocrisy has subconsciously crept in to some factions of society. So yes, I an an Ahmadi Muslim and my arguments are derived from the Ahmadiyya school of Islamic thought, which is derived from the Quran, Sunnah, and ahadith. If you have a better argument -- Id like to hear it. I really would. After all, Prophet Muhammad (sa) declared, Wisdom is a Muslims lost property, he should pick it up wherever he finds it. Until then, as my Marine brother likes to say, lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 13:38:59 +0000

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