Just got home from the hospital. It has been an exhausting day. - TopicsExpress


Just got home from the hospital. It has been an exhausting day. I have had to make some serious decisions today pertaining to Carl. The Doctor called me to ask if they could put him on a respirator and keep him sleeping, I asked him if he could wait an hour so I could get there and talk to Carl first. He said fine to that so I went and pulled the girls out of school ASAP and speeded over there. They did do it shortly after I got there hoping he could rest a little better so his body would heal better and the meds might work better. This mornings test results showed that he had trouble breathing and was not getting enough oxygen into his system. Before that all got settled, I was approached by the kidney doc to ask permission to put him on dialysis. His kidneys are not working at all and he has way too much acid in his blood. Since he is not peeing and he is having issues breathing and not able to get out either of those ways, he needs help. So I approved that. We have no clue if this is all temporary or permanent (especially the dialysis) but at least now he can rest and not be in so much pain. I found out the soreness he had on his arms has turned into major blisters that are seeping tremendously and now they are on his legs also and doing the same. The doc I talked to shortly before leaving told me as of last night, he put Carl on 2 broad antibiotics because they still have no clue what bacteria has grabbed ahold of Carl and they are all grabbing at straws trying to pin point it. Even had one doc that came in and started some garbage with me and I asked the nurse who she was after she left. He said she was the doc coordinator. I told him that I never want to talk to her again. She accused me of withholding truths about Carl and how long things had been going on, that I could not say he was cancer free and that he was still going thru chemo. She even yelled at me. That is just the tip of what happen with her. The girls had a really hard time dealing with everything today but they would rather be there then not so they are doing the best they can. I let the hospital know that I will not be able to see him again for next 3 days since I have crazy work schedule and no time. But he will have the same nurse so I can call him and get updates and the night doc says he has my number and will call me if he needs to. Carl is hanging in there and trying to fight but night doc even asked me if I wanted CPR if his heart gave out, I said yes. That is Carls wish also. Think that covers all of what is going on with him. Only new thing with youngest is that when she walked in one class (which happens to be the one I had to pull her out of), she wall written on the wall at her desk her name and the words is uggllly so right before getting to the hospital, I contacted school assistant principle to let her know and why my daughter could not report it.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 00:36:19 +0000

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