Just got some horribly sad news from a close friend and wanted to - TopicsExpress


Just got some horribly sad news from a close friend and wanted to pass this along... A friend of my friend Justyna was killed in a car crash last night. Her friends BF is in ICU. They were hit by a drunk driver who left the scene, but was caught sometime later by police and is now in custody. He is charged with multiple felonies. Its unknown if the drunk drivers drinking was related to a seasonal party or not. Its incredibly sad ANYTIME this happens, but especially sad right here at Christmas... My heart goes out to the families and friends of the victims. Lets ALL take something from this, please. If you must drink, PLEASE do do RESPONSIBLY and dont put yourself and innocent others at risk. Many of us enjoy a little seasonal festivity this time of year, but we must remember what consequences are not only possible, but PROBABLE after having one too many and getting behind the wheel. Additionally, even those of you who dont drink at all must realize that these kinds of things happen especially during festive times, and should drive very defensively, with a heightened sense of awareness. If you DO drink and have even the SLIGHTEST thought you may not be safe to drive, PLEASE call a friend or a cab, or whatever, DO NOT take the chance. Its SO NOT worth it. Now, instead of having a festive holiday, my friends friends parents and family get to have a funeral for their 22 y/o daughter, and another family has to rally around their young son in ICU, fighting for his life... THINK ABOUT IT before getting behind the wheel... REGARDLESS of whether youve been drinking or not, but ESPECIALLY if youve been drinking...
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 19:20:49 +0000

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