Just had a conversation with a wannabe mason, a certain Edward, a - TopicsExpress


Just had a conversation with a wannabe mason, a certain Edward, a 21 y/o whos claiming to be a 33rd deg mason and active Illuminati: Edward: Are you a mason? From where? Me: yes, Im Bro. Rommel S.J. Corral of Rafael Palma Lodge No. 147, MD NCR-E... and I can see from your profile that you are not a mason, just pretending to be one... Edward: Inggit ka lang siguro brod dahil at an early age eh 33rd degree na ko and I carry the tittle of Illustrius Worshypful Grand Master of the Illuminati, ikaw siguro bagong mason ka pa lang kaya Bro. pa LANG ang title mo! Me: Masonic Biodata: * Knocked at the doors of Rafael Palma Lodge No. 147 - 21 September 1996 * Balloted - 19 October 1996 * Initiated an EAM - 16 November 1996 * Passed to the degree of FCM - 21 December 1996 * Raised to the Sublime degree of a MM - 18 January 1997 * Elected JW - 18 December 1999 Installed JW - 19 February 2000 * Elected SW - 16 December 2000 Installed SW - 19 February 2001 * Elected WM - 15 December 2001 Installed WM - 16 February 2002 * Appointed Grand Lodge Inspector for Quezon City Lodge No. 122 - MY 2003-2004 * Conferred the 32 deg. MRS (Master of the Royal Secret), Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, QC Bodies - 29 November 2003 * Appointed Grand Lodge Inspector for Laong Laan Lodge No. 185 - MY 2005-2006 * Appointed District Grand Lecturer for Masonic District NCR-E - MY 2007-2008 * Made a Royal Arch Mason - 1 September A.I (Anno Inventionis) 2542 * Made a Royal and Select Master 8 September A.Dep. (Anno Depositionis) 3012 * Invested with the Rank and Honor of a Knights Templar on the Feast Day of the Blessed Virgin Mary - 8 September A.O. (Anno Ordinis) 894 * Elected and installed Emminent Commander, Capitol Commandery No. 13, Knights Templar, Capitol York Rite Bodies - 8 September A.O. (Anno Ordinis) 894 I live upon the Square of Virtue, keeping my Passion circumscribed within due bounds towards all mankind. I live by the principle: Brotherly Love, Relief, & Truth. ...then he blocked me :-D Lesson: Never, ever, challenge a Real Mason!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 02:18:57 +0000

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