Just had a dangerous encounter here at the church. A Black woman - TopicsExpress


Just had a dangerous encounter here at the church. A Black woman was walking through my yard hollering Hello......... I stepped outside and said, Can I help you? To make a long story short, she was in a coat with a hat carrying a tote bag. Saying.................she was hitch-hiking and got dropped off here. Wanting somebody to marry her & her finance who was fixing to meet her, here at the church. WHAT???? !!!!!! Making NO SENSE whatsoever to me!!! I told her to meet at the church & I would come over to talk. But when she saw, Cassey & the kids coming with me.................she began walking away. Headed down 65 toward Snappys on her cell -phone & a man in a brand new car picked her up and drove off. I believe this couple was out to ROB me today!!! God protected me!!! I had a dream last night that I was almost attacked outside my door. Im so glad that God has my back!!! Thanks Asst Pastor Amanda Hulse for showing up to see what was going on. I appreciate your heart. I am okay! Just want to warn others! Keep your doors locked & use your head. I had my daughter go to the church with me to talk to this stranger. We both had our cell phones in our hands. I had already called Amanda for back up! She was on her way. We cant be too careful these days. This couple was up to NO GOOD. God showed me this ahead of time. I was prepared. I am alerting the Sheriff to help protect others in our area. I believe this man in the car dropped her off to stake things out. He was coming back and they were going to try & rob me. Tell YOUR Pastors to BEWARE if they come knocking to get married. Scott Bradley & Tonya Roberson Bonds..............you can share this in your scam alerts. I was NOT scared, just cautious. I heard all the alarms going off in the Spirit. God was WARNING me to BE CAREFUL.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 17:10:10 +0000

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