Just had a great talk with an old friend that Ive know for 30 - TopicsExpress


Just had a great talk with an old friend that Ive know for 30 years. He explained to me that hes lost that spark in life that makes him feel alive. I could hear it in his voice; I could see it in his posture; I could could see how tired and defeated he looked. I dug a little further and found out it was his job. That was no surprise for me because most people I coach and most people in society arent in love with their jobs or careers. Of course youre going to lose enthusiasm for life if you have to spend 40 plus hours, 5 days, a week doing something that doesnt bring you joy. And then to top it off, 2 measly days to do whatever you want. To me, that is the definition of a living hell. Life wasnt designed for us to be governed and controlled by a boss that doesnt have our best interests in mind. You shouldnt have to ask someone for permission to travel, or if you need a sick day. You shouldnt have to beg someone or build up the confidence to ask for a 2% raise each year. You shouldnt be scraping to get by, or making a decent amount of money but totally miserable, watching each year of your life slipping away as you age and watch your kids grow up while youre not around most of the time. ANYBODY would be depressed if this was their existence. BUT, if you can take the time to follow what brings you passion, gives you unlimited energy, and makes you jump out of bed every morning with the DESIRE to labor and provide value to society, YOUR LIFE WILL BE AMAZING. I promise you, you will feel like a child again, like you did when you were 7 years old and thought you could do and be anything with no limitations because you werent trained with pessimism or jaded yet. You will love simple things again. You will focus more on others than yourself, but YOU will feel better. You will finally align with the your ultimate purpose and realize in your CORE that you were put here for a reason, a reason to make the world a better place and to make others lives better at the same time. Do everything in your power, even if you have to do it part-time to make it a reality. Because if you dont, it wont happen by itself and youll find your old self looking in the mirror at the end of your life, wondering what this journey was all about. DO EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO NEVER EVER LET THAT HAPPEN.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 21:46:48 +0000

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