Just had a super nice guy come up to me at Starbucks (who happens - TopicsExpress


Just had a super nice guy come up to me at Starbucks (who happens to be a new email subscriber of mine) and we got to chatting about what he is looking to do with an online program from scratch. In a nutshell, he is a successful real estate investor and wants to teach it. Perfect topic and one that can really help people and make a lot of money (double win!). He doesnt have an email list yet, so here were my tips to get him started (feel free to steal em): 1. Start with a sweet free piece of content: i.e. 7 things to know before you invest in real estate, 7 key mistakes to getting started in real estate, 7 MUST DOs your first 30 days in real estate (something like that...) 2. Turn said content into a PDF. 3. Nab an autoresponder/email-sender (how about that for technical). You can start with something simple like Aweber if you choose. Doesnt really matter. 4. Nab LeadPages (therisetothetop/leadpages) and create an opt in page where you will give them this free delicious piece of content in exchange for their email address.* *you can either use one of their templates and configure it, or nab a freelance graphic designer to create you a fancier one. 5. Use WHATEVER assets you have to drive traffic to the LeadPage. For example: Personal Facebook page, friends (whip em an email), any websites you might own, etc. 6. Then is basically comes down to time/money or both...some other great ways to drive traffic to the page: A. Reaching out to sites that accept guest blogging, write an article and then link it up to the LeadPage. B. Reach out to sites interviewing people on real estate, make sure to mention your free giveaway in the interview C. Start learning about the power of Facebook advertising and use it to build your list (best. listbuilder. ever.) You dont need a big budget to start, you can start with $5 a day. Best person to teach you this? Amy Porterfield. Id join her FB Profit Lab (my link: amyporterfield/david) and follow everything she says. And thats it for beginning list building. No need to over think it. No need to spend 3,000 hours on stuff that might work. Also, remember, everyones list started at 0. Get at it.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 15:33:13 +0000

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